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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 27-Jul-10 2000)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Four Days at Comic-Con 2010 (Index) – The standard good postage from Kelson about the Con. Oh, all those white tents in the lower right corner of the convention center pic? That’s the OUTSIDE LINE for admission into Hall H (the biggest of the big media presentation halls).
  2. The Google Sewage Factory, In Action: The Chocomize Story – Fascinating … but not quite so sure that this is Google’s “fault,” or that resolving it is quite as simple as a litany of “ought to”s.
  3. ACLJ: Leading The Fights For and Against Restricting Religious Freedom – It all becomes clear once you realize whose religious organizations they are really interested in supporting.
  4. WikiLeaks does humanity a service – And the truth shall set you free.
  5. I Can Has History? The History of LOLcats – And knowing’s half the battle!
  6. Comic-Con: JJ Abrams and Joss Whedon [Part 2] (With Full Video) – Needless to say, I didn’t even try to get into this panel. Life is too short …
  7. Now legal in the U.S.: Jailbreaking your iPhone, ripping a DVD for educational purposes – Very cool.
  8. Limbaugh’s Extraordinary Projection : Dispatches from the Culture Wars
  9. Dumbass Quote of the Day [Dispatches from the Culture Wars] – Newt can actually come across as a very intelligent man, when he isn’t shilling as a right-wing demagogue.
  10. Outrage of the Morn’: High School Students Not Allowed to Light Bunsen Burners? – (Rolls eyes.)
  11. Is the Moon Really a ‘Been There Done That’ World? – Hardly. Alas, we seem to have lost interest, or will, or the money to do anything about it.
  12. Top 10 Disgusting Stadium Food Vendor Health Violations – Sports arenas seem to be particularly vulnerable to these sorts of shenanigans.
  13. WikiLeaks drops 90,000 war docs; fingers Pakistan as insurgent ally – This has been an interesting story to follow. I haven’t heard of anything in here that, concretely, actually endangers troops or their activities. There’s a lot of politically embarrassing material, though, related to foreign policy in this and the previous Administrations.
  14. Students aren’t allowed to touch real rocks – Nobody ever got fired for banning something that could, in some strange, possible, weird way, be somewhat dangerous. Or, at least, a lot fewer get fired for that than for being the person who didn’t ban it when someone got hurt. Better safe than sorry, right? Except when it tries to convince us the world is a fully safe and controllable place, and that if someone does get hurt, someone must be to blame. (To be fair, this is in reaction to a status quo where companies could do things that were, in fact, scarily dangerous and nobody could stop them.) I don’t suppose there’s a happy medium out there, somewhere.
  15. Limousine from Ferrari – 09 Pics+Video – Truly silly (and a waste of Ferrari) — unless you think of it as a still of a Ferrari SWOOSHING BY …
  16. I <3 the colorblind!
  17. Period Speech – I’d say that’s highly probable, yes.
31 view(s)  

2 thoughts on “Unblogged Bits (Tue. 27-Jul-10 2000)”

  1. You know…

    Talking to Mary awile ago about growing up and how things use to be, it amazes me the amount of freedom I had as a child, every summer I was on my own from age 10 and onward, and now the helicopter parents just freak me out with their whole not letting kids be kids stuff.

  2. We didn’t wander about, Lord of the Flies style, but we played on the street (esp. the cul-de-sac), we walked the neighborhood to friends’ houses, we rode our bikes to school (in some cases measured in miles), we played in vacant lots or amidst house construction … and my folks were not neglectful, absent-minded, uncaring, fly-be-free kinds of parents.

    We survived. We had some scrapes. Some scars. But we survived.

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