Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- GIF: I Will Haz U, Balloonz, At Enne Cawst!: TehGrateCheez
- Bizarro – Chimps – 09-19-10
- “Corn Sugar”: doghouse
- Unwanted Deposits – DORK TOWER, Monday, September 27, 2010
- 2012: Are You Prepared?: Cheezburger Network
- U.S. Wants to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet – – This all sounds very nice and noble and patriotic, but be aware that (a) any security back doors put in for legitimate, vetted, legal government surveillance will also be usable (and used) for illegitimate, unsupervised, arguably illegal government surveillance; (b) if the “good guys” can listen in, so, eventually, can the “bad guys.”
- GOP Pledge Architect McCarthy Can’t Name A Single Program He’d Cut From The Federal Budget – I’m glad people keep asking the GOP this. I hope they continue, and the general GOP incoherence on the subject becomes more and more clear.
- In A ‘Shot-By-Shot’ Comparison, Jon Stewart Reveals The GOP’s Pledge Is ‘Exactly Like’ Its ‘Old Ideas’ – Think of all the money the GOP is saving by simply pulling out old speeches to give again!
They have the “re-use, recycle” part of their speechifying down pat — if only they’d work on the “reduce.” - Colbert Calls For Either More Visas For Farmworkers Or Developing Vegetables That Pick Themselves – The problem is, too many of the people directing the wailing and gnashing of teeth about all the “illegals” are, themselves, more than happy to have an exploited, cheap-labor workforce.
- GOP Senate Nominee John Raese: ‘I Made My Money The Old-Fashioned Way: I Inherited It’ – “Apparently, Raese is also campaigning the old-fashioned way: catering to the ultra-rich.”
- Adjectives – I think I need to find an opportunity to refer to someting as being “fungible as shit!”
- We Should Have Gone Swedish . . . | The Big Picture – But … but … forcing companies to do stuff in return for giving them taxpayer money to protect them from their bad self-incurred debts isn’t just a bailout, it’s socialism! We can’t have that!
- Mike Pence Can’t Name a Single New Idea by Republicans in Their ‘Pledge’ – A nice interview demonstrating the value of follow-up questions by someone who isn’t willing to just smile and nod at regurgitated talking points masquerading as answers.
- 35 Kit Kat Varieties From Around The World: Pics, Videos, Links, News – Red … Beak … Soup …?
- impermeable: top left: najaf sultana, 16. at the age of 5 was… – Anyone who does this is wrong, no matter what their country, their culture, their religion, their politics.
- Crime and Punishment – SMBC September 26, 2010
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