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Unblogged Bits (Wed. 6-Oct-10 1130)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. T-Mobile sneaks “rootkit” into G2 phones – reinstalls locked-down OS after jailbreaking – I doubt it’s illegal, but it’s certainly an obnoxious trick. I’d expect to see other carriers/vendors, sadly, follow suit, following the growing consumer trend of, effectively, “You don’t own what you buy, you just license it.”
  2. Pronounced Dead – SMBC October 06, 2010
  3. The 5 Most Ridiculous Lies You Were Taught In History Class | – Some useful — if occasionally hyperbolic — historical iconoclasm from Cracked.
  4. When the system works as it should – Imagine that — we demonstrated we could deal with a terrorist without spiriting him away to another country and torturing him for the information and then subjecting him to a military trial. Instead, we used civilian courts and civilian law enforcement. You’d almost think those Founding Fathers had something when the wrote the Constitution, wouldn’t you?
  5. Beck On Family’s Home Burning Down As Firefighters Watched: ‘We Are Going To Have To Have These Things’ – Yeah, Glenn — we’ve already bashed “empathy” as crypto-Marxism, so it’s nice to see “compassion” joining the list. Any other human virtues you want to condemn as namby-pamby “feelings”?
  6. Product development in a global economy – “If the U.S. clings to gas guzzlers, it risks becoming what IHS Global Insight automotive analyst Eric Fedewa calls a “technology island,” as U.S. manufacturers would be making cars with no appeal anywhere else in the world.” … and as we fritter away valuable wealth on said guzzlers. Maybe not a lot at a time, but in aggregate.
  7. Every single Republican Senate hopeful is against climate change action – I mean, are they drinking their own Koolaid? Going with what they think is a winning strategy? Or what? And what further damage will be done while they huff and puff and take massive donations from the coal and oil industries and the Chamber of Commerce?
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