Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- ThinkProgress » GOP Candidate’s Claims That Mexicans Are Being Bused In To Vote Dismissed By AZ Attorney General – And, crikey, if the AZ AG is calling it bogus …
- Media Matters: Wishing for Obama’s assassination won’t get you fired from Fox News | Media Matters for America – In a great propaganda machine, there are no failures.
- Failing Upward: Breitbart To Be Featured in ABC’s 2010 Election Coverage | Media Matters for America – ABC just lost a massive amount of (its remaining) respect from me. Breitbart is a hack propagandist, not only just interpreting the news in ideologically driven ways, but intentionally trying to deceive folks. He has no more place as an election news analyst than Milli Vanilli.
- Messing with typists reveals two-level error correction in brain – I suspect this accounts for a lot of problems with mobile-based tweets — especially when you’ve got predictive searches being done by the phone.
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