Did you hear? Did you hear about the $200 million a day trip Obama is taking to India? And he’s having 34 US Navy warships go with him! And renting a zillion rooms, and twenty armored cars, and he’s being served unicorn meat by tiny quantities of Muslim dancing girls while there? Outrageous!!
Don’t believe it? Look it up on the Internet! It’s there! Just like Canned Unicorn Meat!
Fascinating! Absolutely fascinating! Thanks for posting that, Dave. The intellectual isolation of the Right from the rest of the country has progressed much faster and more thoroughly than I was aware of.
Echo chambers of any ilk are dangerous — particularly so when they are exploited by others to their advantage.
Is it the right’s distancing from reality, or the rest of us just not paying attention to the crazy guys in the corner?
Consider the Scopes trial. Fundamentalism lost, sort of (the appeal is too complex to explain). From 1925 through 1957, the fundies kept creationism out of the mainstream, while multiplying it mightily on the banks of the river in which the mainstream flows.
Then — BAM! — the Gablers pounced in Texas, and science has been on the defensive ever since.
It’s not a question of who is watching the watchdogs, it’s a question of who is watching the people who poison the watchdogs.
I think it must be said the Right is both isolating and distancing itself from reality, Ed, but the rest of us have been fools to have ignored them. And when it comes to the Religious we are doing it again. At least it seems to me that the focus has shifted to the Tea Partiers and others, and the Religious Right is being ignored at the moment, except by a few bloggers.
I believe that Sinclair was right: When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. We simply cannot afford to ignore the Religious Right.
That was supposed to be Religious Right, not just Religious.
We need an Edit button!
Funny … I’ve got one …
But, seriously, there are some WP plug-ins that allow comment editing (for a limited time), but I’ve never quite found one I liked. Unfortunately, the role of being able to edit your own comments hasn’t been defined in WP.