Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Five Anglican bishops quit Church of England for Rome – Telegraph – Which I guess will leave plenty of room for the Female Menace they are fleeing.
- AMC Renews ‘Walking Dead’ For Season 2 – – Excellent!
- Planning for the future –Republicans move further right. So do Democrats. – The Democrats worry too much about people liking them. Really. And it’s a sentiment I all too well appreciate. GOP in 2008: “They don’t like us, so we need to make sure they like the Dems even less, so that they’ll come back to us.” Dems in 2010: “They don’t like us, we have to change.” The GOP understands the long game a lot better, unfortunately.
- How the parties handle adversity: Steve Benen
- There are rings to be kissed – I find it ironic that Obama is accused by so many of being haughty and elitist and aloof from the Common Man, when it seems to be the Washington Establishment that’s so miffed at his lack of appropriate kowtowing and gladhanding. Makes you wonder how all those other politicians survive …
- IRONY: Cheezburger Network
- First delicate tendrils of the nascent IT industry – “Experience men” and the women who read over their shoulder …
- Bush And Cheney Fought Bitterly Over Refusal To Pardon Scooter Libby – Because what’s a little obstruction of justice, perjury, making false statements count when you’re a “soldier on the battlefield,” dammit!
- Fareed Zakaria On The Republicans: Fool Me Once, Shame On You. Fool Me Three Times… – Perhaps the biggest flaw of a two-party system is that it leaves very few alternatives if you’re unhappy with the current party in power.
- 24 Hilarious Bootleg DVDs: Pics, Videos, Links, News – Wow — there’s some true awesome there. Frankly, I think Ahnold would have improved “Phantom Menace” immeasurably.
- Billionaire Astroturf Group Claims Tea Partiers Voted To Give Billionaires Tax Cuts: Brad Johnson
- Eric Boehlert: Why O’Reilly has to remain mum about Olbermann’s suspension: Eric Boehlert
- Obama In India Responds To Question About Jihad – Cue up the Right-Wing Noise Machine who will decry him for being pro-Islam and anti-Christian (somehow) from this answer.
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