Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Krugman: Republicans Don’t Want Economic Recovery As Long As Obama Is President – That seems like a pretty reasonable analysis to me.
- Space Invader by ~Great-OHARU on deviantART – Excellent.
- TSA confiscates heavily-armed soldiers’ nail-clippers – I feel safer!
- Segway of the Sky – YES! (Hey, honey, you know that birthday I have coming up …?)
- Pirate-slaying censorship bill gets unanimous support – Yes, because the DMCA has been such a success in letting Big Media abuse whomever they want, that we should emulate the process on a global scale.
- New York, Orlando join anti-TSA rebellion, TSA mounts PR effort – Opting to go for for-profit rent-a-cops isn’t going to provide “better service at a better price and more accountability and better customer service.” Does nobody remember the pre-TSA days and the complaints about airport security then? Instead, you’ll get private firms negotiating long-term lucrative sweetheart contracts with local airports, and you’ll have private rent-a-cops copping a feel instead.
- Deficit Commission Co-Chair Erskine Bowles Falsely Claims Social Security ‘Runs Out Of Money In 2037′ – But we’ll keep hearing it.
- Balloon Juice » You Make a Grown Man Cry – Because, of course, discussing the politics about the treaty is far more important than discussing the treaty itself. And, if you’re going to talk about the politics, it’s far more exciting to talk about the “risk” Obama is taking than in pointing out the the GOP is being duplicitous lunatics about the thing.
- Why I Won’t Own a Kindle – Nothing new here, just a few nice quotes directly from the EULA.
- Scrapping My Next Book Idea – Yeesh. And the loons will buy it in droves and point to it as “proof” of all their paranoia viz Obama.
- TSA Announces Facebook Integration For Full Body Scanners – Just kidding! I … um … think …
- Boehner wants Congress to tackle debt limit ‘as adults’ – “Oh, NOW Boehner wants Republicans to be mature? What convenient timing.”
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