Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Our Preposterous Military Spending And Its Disasterous Consequences – I think there’s a place for being able to project power overseas — and we do, in fact, have allies who might face danger if we withdraw (S Korea comes to mind). That said, a country that whose military has “more people in its marching bands than the State Department has in its foreign service” while suffering from burgeoning federal deficits and cutbacks of social programs and constrained infrastructure spending … has its spending priorities madly off-kilter.
- White House To Encourage End-Of-Life Planning; Expect RWNJ’s To Talk “Death Panels” Again – As George notes, we already have “death panels” — they’re just private employees of for-profit insurance companies.
- Now If Republicans Don’t Drive the Economy Into A Double-Dip Recession… – SIGH
- Sandra Day O’Connor Interviews John Paul Stevens – Newsweek – An interesting interview, esp. on the question of nominee examinations. Wish these two were still on the court.
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