Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Finally! O’Reilly and guests tackle the Shawna Forde case. Of course, they lie and misinform from beginning to end. – O'Reilly & Crew misinforming to avoid embarrassing truths? Inconceivable!
- Texas Comptroller Denies Compensation To Man Wrongly Imprisoned On Death Row For 18 Years – Stay classy, Texas!
- Raw-head, bloody bones, and other terrors of the nursery : Oxford English Dictionary
- TSA Theft – I feel safer!
- Borders files for Ch. 11 bankruptcy protection – The Denver Post – Glad to hear they are still honoring gift cards … but glad that I used up my gift cards last weekend, in anticipation of this.
- Fighting Back Against the Noise Machine | Mother Jones – Go, Shirley, go!
- GOP Budget Amendments Would Destroy Health, Economy, Planet – “Most of the Republican amendments are budget neutral, not lowering the deficit one cent. Several defund effective jobs programs that cost only a few million dollars. The goal of these amendments is not fiscal responsibility or jobs creation, but polluter protection, even though the pollution is poisoning babies, causing the elderly to suffer, and destroying America’s natural bounty.” Because it’s not really about the budget deficit. It’s about profit.
- Expuberance – SMBC February 16, 2011
- Milbank goes there – “Boehner wants to force hundreds of thousands of Americans from their jobs, deliberately, and he’s basing this decision in part on a statistic that he’s simply made up.” Yes, but they’re GOVERNMENT jobs, so they are, intrinsically, EVIL!
- Five Progressive Deficit Reduction Ideas That Both Obama And The House Republicans Failed To Endorse – Remarkably enough, all of those suggestion would have some trivial impact to the bottom line of large businesses — and, thus, are completely off the table, vs. say, social safety net programs.
- Outrage of the Week: Grammar School Cancels Val Day for “Good of the Students” – Look — silliness (sadly) continues.
- What Happens to All Those Super Bowl T-Shirts?: A Guest Post by Dean Karlan – I guess the main question is, is the negative impact of sending the shirts (to the local textile industries) actually significant? Or is the demand for shirts in the areas where they are given away such that they go mostly to people who wouldn’t buy any local shirts?
- Billy Ray Cyrus Scared of Atheist Sign – Curse you, you neatnik atheist tools of SATAN!
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