Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Jim DeMint: A Modern Day Bonhoeffer? – Yeah, Sen. DeMint — give me one concrete example of what sort of “sacrifices” you’ve been forced to “pay” in being a conservative Christian Senator from S Carolina. Really.
- Perkins: Obama Acting like a Middle East Dictator over DOMA – Of course! Obama made his decision on DOMA solely to distract people from how he’s made a muddle of things in the Middle East. It’s so blindingly obvious, how could I have missed it?
- DOMA Decision Becomes Test Of GOP Fealty To Religious Right – Let’s see — so far the GOP is being held to non-negotiable task to cut taxes, defund Planned Parenthood, defend DOMA, cut more taxes, repeal the Affordable Care Act, cut still more taxes … it sounds like they have a busy agenda being set for them.
- Job Seekers Being Told ‘If You’re Unemployed, Don’t Apply’ « CBS Sacramento – This is crazy. As a hiring manager, I would not have any hesitations over hiring someone currently unemployed. I might inquire as to how they’ve been keeping their skills up (or researching new ones), but I would also expect that the salary pressure would be a bit lower and they wouldn’t need to give two week’s notice.
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