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Unblogged Bits (Wed. 23-Mar-11 2331)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Libya: More questions than answers – Yup, yup, yup. I have no qualms over eliminating the Qaddafi regime, for a variety of reasons. But the means, the collateral damage, and the time and expense (in a number of different ways) make that a non-trivial action.
  2. Map of countries officially not using the metric systemSIGH (“Because we’re the United States, dagnabbit! And we don’t have to do what anyone else does at all ever, dagnabbit!”) SIGH
  3. A Great Injustice and Insult to Beasts – The true sin here is not among the soldiers (though some have sinned mightily), nor among the commanders (though ditto), but among those who send us to war thinking it will be clean, surgical, and simple. Even the most justified and moral war is bloody and painful and full of error and death. It may well be worth it, but that doesn’t warrant the lies and pretense. Pretending that “surgical strikes” and the like will make things all better is disingenuous at best. And, hey, look, Libya!
  4. Wonder Woman – One of the sad things about WW is that she hasn’t had nearly the consistent treatment of the other two “trinity” characters (Supes and Bats) — each new writer tends to reinvent her, too frequently with less than pleasant results. (Of the iterations in the article, I’d peg JLU animated WW as my fave.)
  5. Soldier Sentenced to 24 Years for Murder of Afghan Civilians – Here’s hoping there’s not time off for good behavior.
  6. Mom Gives 8-Year-Old Botox and ‘Virgin Waxes’ – Self-aggrandizing evil moms are self-aggrandizingly evil.
  7. A Surprising Supreme Court Snapshot – – It’s certainly possible to make broad judgments about the Justices and their inclinations — but there are often surprises, and, independent as they are, SCOTUS justices tend not to obediently align with political expectations.
  8. Charles Francis Adams and the Secession Crisis – – One can imagine any number of alternative histories where Charles Francis Adams is considered an historic hero — or an historic villain — rather than (sadly) not much remembered at all.
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