Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- London: Half A Million In The Streets To Protest Massive Government Cuts – The Right will, no doubt, point to this as how horrible government spending is because people then protest when it’s cut. (Tell it to the military contractors, guys …)
- Gingrich: My Infidelities Helped Me Understand How To Impeach Clinton – It wasn’t me! It was my patriotism!
- BLDGBLOG: The mathematics of preservation and the future of urban ruins – I’m always fascinated by ruins and attempts to preserve them. But what does that mean for what happens to buildings and other structures today?
- It’s Time for the Recording Industry to Stop Blaming “Piracy” and Start Finding A New Way – The Recording Industry’s mantra seems to be, “If we aren’t making money from it, it’s being stolen from us.” It’s a great way to head toward irrelevancy.
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