Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- DC Women Kicking Ass – It’s not the costume, stupid – The costume was, at most, a symptom of the problems with the Wonder Woman TV show pilot.
- Newt 2012 | Sharksplode – Wow, it’s worth it having him in the race just to justify this t-shirt.
- Some eye Fort Knox considering options in debt ceiling debate – The Denver Post – Ahhhh … it all becomes clear now. Sell off public assets to private firms at a low price, which firms can then make a tidy profit on reselling access to those assets to the public, which will end up paying as much or more for lower levels of service. Fiendishly clever.
- Vatican suggests bishops report abuse to police – The Denver Post – And there is precisely the problem. It “suggests” that it is “important,” but still leaves the bishops in charge to decide what they actually want to do (and to judge how credible they consider any accusations). They just don’t get it.
- Confidential Federal Audits Accuse Five Biggest Mortgage Firms Of Defrauding Taxpayers [EXCLUSIVE] – I preedict angry congressional hearings, financial slaps on the wrist, and stonewalling by the GOP to prevent any legislation that might prevent this in the future.
- Seagate debuts GoFlex Satellite wireless storage device for iOS gadgets – Interesting. Though I wonder about encryption, and throughput.
- Botox Mom Loses Custody of Daughter – On the other hand, was that particularly worse than some of the other beauty queen mama tales we’ve read?
- Botox Mom Loses Custody of Daughter – good. and they even did it before she started on her nose.
- Re the Social Security Non-Crisis, It’s All About the GDP Growth, Stupid : Mike the Mad Biologist – If you have pessmistic enough assumptions, you can have as ominous conlusions as you’d like.
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