- Slept very poorly last night, combo of heat and anticipated hi-impact week. Ah, well. #
- Just found out that a management colleague here at the office I really liked died over the weekend in a rafting accident. A real shock. #
- 3 of 5 stars to Mission of Honor by David Weber Link #
- Game day on Saturday was fun, even if only 3 games (Guillotine, Catan, Stone Age). Need to get more of these scheduled over the summer. #
- Um, guys – when Monday's a holiday, that means you cancel all the Monday calls, not force them into the Tuesday calendar, too, right? @ugh #
- RT @BorowitzReport: There's a fine line between posting a status update and ranting to yourself on a park bench. #
- Pondering doing a weekly (make it a habit!), short (15 min) podcast on comics. Need to figure out lo-tech and do a dry run, but thoughts? #
- Ghost Restaurant has opened to replace the defunct Rocky Mtn Diner (whose logo has vanished in the pix of the bldg). Link #
- Torchwood: Miracle Day – starts this Friday! Eek! Set the DVR! Link #
- Hey, @lesjenkins, you'll be pleased to know that cracked.com gets blocked from my office as a "violence" site, too. Yeesh. #
- Apparently I don't get Starz. Thus I don't get Torchwood. Thus I get cranky. #
- Short of illicit downloads, there are apparently some Starz Play / Netflix / iTunes alternative options for Torchwood. Or wait for DVDs. #
- Stephan Moffat's "Coupling" s.1 ep. 1-4 — the pinnacle of ROTFL gender-interaction humor. #perhaps #perhaps #perhaps #
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Wait, wait . . it’s on Starz???? I wonder if the free sample extends long enough to record it . . . .hmmmm . . .
Yeah. Presumably it will show up elsewhere eventually, but for now, Starz.