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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 5-Jul-11 1130)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. David Barton Is Not A Historian – The Founders were all over the map on pretty much everything; the desire by any to cubbyhole them in a black-or-white, clear and un-nuanced position on anything complex is a fool’s errand — or an errand by folks who want to fool others.
  2. Open Letter to DC Comics, Part 3: Marketing Fail, Or Why Not Go After Truly New Readers? | GeekDad | – Tons of truth here about things they’re doing wrong, and I have very little doubt that DC will pay no attention.
  3. Tea Party Nation Condemns “Non-European” Immigration – Stay classy, Tea Partiers! Happy Independence Day!
  4. Quick update on the Podcast. – Had a lot of fun on the Podcast, too, talking everything from politics to Buddhism to TV to patriotism to … well, pretty much anything our brains leapt to based on the previous sentence uttered. Looking forward to hearing the finished results (which I’ll crosspost on my blog, of course).
  5. Liberty Counsel Wants You To Pray For Me And Other Liberals – I’ll tell you what — I have no problem with anyone praying for me to have discernment and wisdom, so long as they also pray, as earnestly and honestly, for themselves to have the same.
  6. It’s Not Discretionary Spending, Stupid – “What has changed in the past decade is a huge increase in spending on defense and Medicare and a huge decrease in tax revenues. If we need a solution to the problem of deficits, then there really only should be three things on the table: defense, Medicare, and taxes. And all three should be part of that solution.”
  7. Joe. My. God.: Bishops Denounce RI Civil Unions – Civil unions “directly violate the principles of justice”? You keep using that word, “justice.” I don’t think it means what you think it means.
  8. Kansas To Pursue Strict Abortion Licensing Regulations Despite Court Injunction: Igor Volsky
  9. How the Media Gets It Wrong on Climate Change: The False, the Confused and the Mendacious: Climate Guest Blogger
  10. 10 Reasons why Google will buy Research In Motion | – An interesting idea — but most likely (if it were to happen) for the patent portfolio (sadly).
  11. America’s Pride: hahanu
  12. Odd Color Names Offer a Primer in Marketing – – Here’s hoping that this is a marketing trend that will fail, miserably.
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