Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- David Barton Is Not A Historian – The Founders were all over the map on pretty much everything; the desire by any to cubbyhole them in a black-or-white, clear and un-nuanced position on anything complex is a fool’s errand — or an errand by folks who want to fool others.
- Open Letter to DC Comics, Part 3: Marketing Fail, Or Why Not Go After Truly New Readers? | GeekDad | – Tons of truth here about things they’re doing wrong, and I have very little doubt that DC will pay no attention.
- Tea Party Nation Condemns “Non-European” Immigration – Stay classy, Tea Partiers! Happy Independence Day!
- Quick update on the Podcast. – Had a lot of fun on the Podcast, too, talking everything from politics to Buddhism to TV to patriotism to … well, pretty much anything our brains leapt to based on the previous sentence uttered. Looking forward to hearing the finished results (which I’ll crosspost on my blog, of course).
- Liberty Counsel Wants You To Pray For Me And Other Liberals – I’ll tell you what — I have no problem with anyone praying for me to have discernment and wisdom, so long as they also pray, as earnestly and honestly, for themselves to have the same.
- It’s Not Discretionary Spending, Stupid – “What has changed in the past decade is a huge increase in spending on defense and Medicare and a huge decrease in tax revenues. If we need a solution to the problem of deficits, then there really only should be three things on the table: defense, Medicare, and taxes. And all three should be part of that solution.”
- Joe. My. God.: Bishops Denounce RI Civil Unions – Civil unions “directly violate the principles of justice”? You keep using that word, “justice.” I don’t think it means what you think it means.
- Kansas To Pursue Strict Abortion Licensing Regulations Despite Court Injunction: Igor Volsky
- How the Media Gets It Wrong on Climate Change: The False, the Confused and the Mendacious: Climate Guest Blogger
- 10 Reasons why Google will buy Research In Motion | – An interesting idea — but most likely (if it were to happen) for the patent portfolio (sadly).
- America’s Pride: hahanu
- Odd Color Names Offer a Primer in Marketing – – Here’s hoping that this is a marketing trend that will fail, miserably.
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