Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Medicare Shortfall Over Next 75 Years Is Only One-Fourth Cost Of Wars In Afghanistan And Iraq – Sigh
- More Photos From ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ – Have to admit, the photos look pretty good.
- Krugman: The GOP took decades “getting to crazy” – and pundits are responsible: Gaius Publius
- Arguments – SMBC July 15, 2011 – Look! It’s the Internet!
- Don’t Crash Your Jetpack into the Ocean on Live TV [Video] – Ha!
- Palin Film Premiers To Empty Theater In Orange County – Heh.
- Town Drops Charges Against Woman For Front-Yard Veggie Garden – Unfortunately, it looks more like the city is doing the right thing for the wrong reasons (to duck bad publicity), and instead looking to punish someone who made them look bad.
- American Express Amazes Family After Cardholder’s Death Abroad – Too many vendors focus on the immediate transaction, and the bottom line for this month or quarter. Too few remember that a memorably good turn can ensure repeat or continued business (and evangelization) for years to come … or a memorably bad experience can lead to a long-term or permanent poisoning of the well for future business.
- Buh Bye Bigoted New York Clerk : Dispatches from the Culture Wars – “Can you begin to imagine the outrage if a Muslim DMV clerk refused to process drivers licenses for women because his ‘sincerely held religious beliefs’ told him that women should not be allowed to drive? I bet McGuire would fall silent quickly in such a situation. ‘Constitutional freedoms’ apply only to Christians, you see.”
- That’s Bullshit! – I think sometimes my bullshit tolerance is lower than it should be (see: various long screeds at “dolts” typed up way too late at night).
- July 15, 2011 – Belief in Evolution Versus National Wealth – Yeah, we’re “exceptional” all right …
- SarahPAC Paid Thousands Of Dollars For “Bus Tour” That Palin Claimed Was “Family Vacation” – Hey, can I start a PAC and get people to pay for my family vacations, too?
- EXCLUSIVE: As Ralph Reed Steers ‘GOP Israel Primary,’ Documents Reveal Right-Wing Israeli Group Is Paying Him – The bizarre thing about all of this is, between the neocons and the apocalyptians, the “pro-Israel” stance that the GOP (et al.) are arm-twisted into isn’t necessarily even in Israel’s best interests.
- Is Google replacing our memory? | ZDNet – When writing, then printing books, became common, people decried that memorization skills were in decline. I think that’s worked out okay.
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