Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Former Employees: Racism & Abuse in Leading Religious Right Org. | Politics | Religion Dispatches – Jesus wept.
- Bad Faith: The Catholic Hierarchy’s Pointless Campaign Against LGBT Rights | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches – “In the theological universe that our bishops are constructing to support their personal biases, there is sin, and then there is gay sin, and gay sin is so much worse.”
- Fracking’s Consequences Obscured by Legal Tactic : The Pump Handle – If the party trying to settle requires a secrecy pact — one has a moral obligation to consider whether that will hurt others, too.
- At Koch’s ALEC Conference: ‘The Many Benefits Of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment’ | ThinkProgress
- America’s First Jet Flight, October 1942 – Videos – AircraftOwner Online – A simpler time …
- 5 Things I Can’t Believe Websites Are Still Doing | – Yes. These.
- The Stock Market Is the Least of Obama’s Worries – – And, let’s be clear — it’s over a year until the election, the GOP don’t have a clear candidate, and eleventy-dozen other factors will have a greater effect on the election than what happened to the Dow Jones today.
- Williams: Homosexuality And American Idol Ruining America – ‘Williams concludes that while laws to punish “moral crimes” in Afghanistan may be “draconian,” it is better than the U.S. where they go unpunished!’ ‘Nuff said.
- Calvin and Hobbes for August 01, 2011 – The question we all have.
- Mac/PC
- Poor Carson – DORK TOWER, Thursday, August 4, 2011 – HA!
- ‘The Lion of the Day’ –
- lol, WUT? [erv] – Why normal science reporting that you get in the papers (let alone a 30-second segment on the nightly news) is crap.
- Tiger Mothers, Depression Moms and Reasonable Expectations : Casaubon’s Book – “Call no man happy until he is dead.” Or, rather, call no parenting successful until the kids are many years past their teens.
- The TSA Blog: TSA To Pilot Using QR Codes® on Checkpoint Signage – Really? QR codes? While you’re in line? Dumb.
- Tax Rates For Millionaires Have Fallen 25 Percent Since 1995 | ThinkProgress – Best government money can buy!
- Santorum Opposes Early Childhood Education: Government Wants To ‘Indoctrinate’ Children ‘From The Womb’ | ThinkProgress – Jeez, Rick … paranoid much?
- Zuckers! Facebook Has Secretly Been Giving User Info to Cops – Of course they have. They’re in the person information business.
- DC Women Kicking Ass – I hate the way Finch drew and posed Wonder Woman… – The pants-vs-no-pants bit is secondary. Posing Wonder Woman as some waifish sexy victim … that’s the problem. As demonstrated by having the other JLA characters posed similarly (though without the original’s further contrast in height and angry, masculine fist-clenching).
- Opinion: Once Upon a Time in the West – SPIEGEL ONLINE – News – International – So what happens when folks don’t see you as “a shining city on the hill” any more?
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