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Unblogged Bits (Thu. 4-Aug-11 2330)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Former Employees: Racism & Abuse in Leading Religious Right Org. | Politics | Religion Dispatches – Jesus wept.
  2. Bad Faith: The Catholic Hierarchy’s Pointless Campaign Against LGBT Rights | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches – “In the theological universe that our bishops are constructing to support their personal biases, there is sin, and then there is gay sin, and gay sin is so much worse.”
  3. Fracking’s Consequences Obscured by Legal Tactic : The Pump Handle – If the party trying to settle requires a secrecy pact — one has a moral obligation to consider whether that will hurt others, too.
  4. At Koch’s ALEC Conference: ‘The Many Benefits Of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment’ | ThinkProgress
  5. America’s First Jet Flight, October 1942 – Videos – AircraftOwner Online – A simpler time …
  6. 5 Things I Can’t Believe Websites Are Still Doing | – Yes. These.
  7. The Stock Market Is the Least of Obama’s Worries – – And, let’s be clear — it’s over a year until the election, the GOP don’t have a clear candidate, and eleventy-dozen other factors will have a greater effect on the election than what happened to the Dow Jones today.
  8. Williams: Homosexuality And American Idol Ruining America – ‘Williams concludes that while laws to punish “moral crimes” in Afghanistan may be “draconian,” it is better than the U.S. where they go unpunished!’ ‘Nuff said.
  9. Calvin and Hobbes for August 01, 2011 – The question we all have.
  10. Mac/PC
  11. Poor Carson – DORK TOWER, Thursday, August 4, 2011 – HA!
  12. ‘The Lion of the Day’ –
  13. lol, WUT? [erv] – Why normal science reporting that you get in the papers (let alone a 30-second segment on the nightly news) is crap.
  14. Tiger Mothers, Depression Moms and Reasonable Expectations : Casaubon’s Book – “Call no man happy until he is dead.” Or, rather, call no parenting successful until the kids are many years past their teens.
  15. The TSA Blog: TSA To Pilot Using QR Codes® on Checkpoint Signage – Really? QR codes? While you’re in line? Dumb.
  16. Tax Rates For Millionaires Have Fallen 25 Percent Since 1995 | ThinkProgress – Best government money can buy!
  17. Santorum Opposes Early Childhood Education: Government Wants To ‘Indoctrinate’ Children ‘From The Womb’ | ThinkProgress – Jeez, Rick … paranoid much?
  18. Zuckers! Facebook Has Secretly Been Giving User Info to Cops – Of course they have. They’re in the person information business.
  19. DC Women Kicking Ass – I hate the way Finch drew and posed Wonder Woman… – The pants-vs-no-pants bit is secondary. Posing Wonder Woman as some waifish sexy victim … that’s the problem. As demonstrated by having the other JLA characters posed similarly (though without the original’s further contrast in height and angry, masculine fist-clenching).
  20. Opinion: Once Upon a Time in the West – SPIEGEL ONLINE – News – International – So what happens when folks don’t see you as “a shining city on the hill” any more?
31 view(s)  

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