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Unblogged Bits (Thu. 15-Sep-11 1130)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Harvey: Progressives, Gays And Lesbians “All Hate Jesus Christ” – For the record, I don’t hate Jesus Christ, I don’t hate our Judeo-Christian heritage, I don’t hate the West, and I don’t hate freedom. I do get sorely irked at folks who claim their particular flavor of orthodoxy as the One True Faith, and that anyone who disagrees or opposes them hate Jesus (and probably kick puppies, too).
  2. Fear and Bigotry in Detroit – “Americans don’t refuse to live in fear, we positively wallow in it. We have sacrificed the Bill of Rights and the dignity of far too many innocent people on the altar of fear for the past 10 years. We’ve watched as the government has committed crimes against the constitution and against the most basic human rights and we’ve done nothing about it. Hell, most of us have cheered it on — anything to feel just a bit more safe.”
  3. IMF Reports That ‘Austerity’ Causes Job Losses and Lower Wages – People have to seem a real problem in understanding (or an interest in obfuscating) the difference between long-term and short-term solutions. Public debt and deficits are bad primarily because the money spent on interest payments is “wasted.” So, long-term, you want to get rid of that debt. But cutting debt by cutting spending has significant short-term negative impacts, impacts that are made all the worse when the economy is in the dumps, as it is now. To put it in more household terms, reducing the balance on your credit card is a great idea, but not at the expense of making the kids go to bed hungry, or of selling the car that lets you get to work. Clinton was able to wrestle the debt down during good economic times; that’s the right time to do it.
  4. Exiled as a ‘Security’ Threat, Former Orland Man May Soon Return – Orland Park, IL Patch – I’m amazed he wants to return, after this treatment.
  5. Willingham’s Down the Mysterly River, a kids’ novel that captures the glory of Fables – Boing Boing – I was lucky enough to get a copy of this back when it first came out. Highly recommended. (And it makes me think I need to offer it to Kay …)
  6. Canada thinks about assisted suicide – If Canada’s government is struggling with the issue, it’ll be another half-century before the US can have a coherent discussion about it. At least.
  7. FBI Teaches Agents: ‘Mainstream’ Muslims Are ‘Violent, Radical’ | Danger Room | – There are aspects of Islam that I disagree with, and there are certainly Islamic societies/nations that use Islam to shore up their cultural problems (just as there are predominantly Christian societies/nations that use Christianity to shore up their cultural problems). But approaching the problem of Islamist terror as “Those Muslims are just a bunch of scumbags” is not only stupid, it’s highly counter-productive.
  8. Hollywood Accounting: Darth Vader Not Getting Paid, Because Return Of The Jedi Still Isn’t Profitable – Perhaps this is the real reason why George keeps spending additional money to change the SFX and so forth …
  9. Why It Feels Like Kids are Being Kidnapped All the Time – Because we’re being told about it all the time.
  10. Google Adds Automatic Visual Search to Google Goggles App – Just tried this on two art prints in my office. Worked great.
  11. Amazing Rescue in Utah
  12. Math Teacher with Godly Banners in Classroom Loses Lawsuit – Apparently, Mr Johnson felt that “sometimes it’s necessary” to inform non-Christian/theist kids in his Math class that they aren’t welcome. Apparently, a Federal Appeals court disagrees.
  13. Latest Trend for American Citizens: Film a Cop and Go to Jail – The only way that having someone across the street filming a cop is going to interfere with an arrest is if the cops behavior while under surveillance is perforce different than if unobserved. And what does that tell you?
  14. How To Find Cheap Airfare Tickets & Save On Your Travel Costs With Bing Price Predictor – I tend not to use Bing, but this particular feature, if reasonably accurate, would be pretty handy.
  15. Toronto News: Jewish prof forced to defend himself against anti-Semitism claims – – Aside from the “let’s gather the torches and pitchforks” response before there was any sort of verification, I just as disturbing that the 22yo student is defending her actions, suggesting that even using that as an example is “talking smack,” and is still questioning the professor’s actions or Jewishness.
  16. Interior Ministry Blocked Justice after Raped Juveniles Were Found in Iraqi Prison – Boy, I’m sure glad we helped the Iraqis free themselves from that despotic Hussein guy.
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