Issue 10! Be sure and buy all the alternative covers!
This episode we talk about more DCnU New 52 Issue 1s, what DC has done to two of the most enjoyable female characters in the DCU and (unfortunately) why, and a graphic novel of a comic I am far too late in the game in following: Morning Glories.
Also … WTF happened to the Batwoman #1 on my pull list?! Unhappy …

I ran a bit long this week (again), hitting 18 minutes. Still pondering whether or how to cut stuff back, or just let that be my equilibrium spot.
As an update, apparently I am not all *that* behind … the second volume of Morning Glories is not yet released (but now on pre-order).
First off…
They did what to Harly and Amanda Waller?
That may just cause me to not get any of the new DC stuff right there.
You just found out about Morning Glories?! Wow, I must not have remembered to bring you any to read. Also good to know that you are finally reading a comic that I read.
The Harley part almost works — it’s a big shift for the character in some ways, but she’s just a bit more homicidal and a lot less sweet and Joker-obsessed. Given that she’s a psychopath, I can almost see it. I dislike the costume change, in some ways, more.
The Wall part just frosts my butt because there’s little to no justification for it other than the boys (in the DC offices) wanting only Barbie dolls for female characters.
Check out the new Cat Woman cover.
I think I have found the reason for the whole stupid DCNU.
Well. My sense is that DC doesn’t really understand their audience. Well, the executive portion, at least. Certainly many, if not all, of the creative folk do. But look at Dan DiDio’s responses to fan concerns. He cares only about his preconceived notions, and not a whit for what readers say they want.
Of course, if sales go up and stay up, I’ll be eating these words. I rather doubt that the DCNU can remain competitive, though.
I just read the new Catwoman comic. The cover is nothing. The first four pages are cheesecake, and the final page is… disturbing. I see why it is rated Teen +. Brrr.
Yeah, there’ll be some commentary about that this weekend. But Catwoman …
Judd Winnick can do great stuff. This, I do not like. At all.
More to be said …
If you’re looking for some commentary and illustrations of some of the more noteworthy bits: