Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Dietary Equations – SMBC October 09, 2011 – Heh.
- Lenovo ThinkPad Android Honeycomb tablet – after 1 week – Been slowly pondering tablets and how I might make use of them. Haven’t come to any decisions, really, but I keep watching.
- Chrome Remote Desktop – Access Any Computer Remotely Using Google Chrome – Cool.
- Anwar al-Awlaki Might Have Been Innocent – “Make no mistake, I am shedding no tears for al-Awlaki. Up until his death al-Awlaki was openly advocating for the murder of innocent people and was al-Qaeda’s most famous Internet preacher. By all accounts he was a loathsome human being, and he may very well have been guilty of the crimes he was executed for. But what if he wasn’t?” We’ll never know. But you’d really think all those folks so much up in arms over what a scoundrel Obama is, or how he’s plotting to take over the US and put his opponents in labor camps, would be a lot more upset over this. Ditto for the folks who were so much up in arms over Bush’s extralegal shenanigans.
- Econ. 101: Alan Grayson Schools P.J. O’Rourke on OWS: scarce
- War Flag – This would only work for the US if it were clear any more when we were at war — or if there were any prospect of things like “The War on Terror” to ever be resolved.
- Texas pastor: Romney “not a Christian” – This election is doing a nice job of churning up the muck at the bottom of the GOP pool …
- Someone is getting fired… – I can just see eyes widening in the control booth, a paralyzing moment of disbelief, and then a frantic rush by a dozen hands to hit the KILL THE SOUND! button …
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