It's not at all surprising that, given the situation in the country today, there would be an element that would take advantage of it to push forward an agenda of destruction and selfishness and societal breakdown that threatens whatever credibility the rest of their cohorts might have.
I'm talking, of course about folks like the Koch Brothers, who give capitalism and business success a bad name. But I guess these yahoos qualify from the other side of the coin. #ddtb
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Occupy protesters disavow Oakland violence – Yahoo! News
Occupy Wall Street protesters had just a few hours to celebrate what they saw as their biggest victory so far: the peaceful shutdown of the nation's fifth-busiest port. Then the rioting began.
Yes violence gets you noticed, but OWS doesn't need that. They need people on their side. They have already been noticed. And at this point people are watching and judging.
Keep it peaceful and make your points logical and known. Leave the violence and animosity to the 1% or police. High ground is the one with victory.
@Jon, Agreed, completely. My point was less (in fact, not at all) in support of vandalism and violence. It was more that these things are an extremist element taking advantage of the OWS movement, just as the worst and most anti-social of the plutocrats are folks who are taking advantage of the market / capitalist system to purvey their own brand of vandalism and violence.