I mean, we all know that unemployed people are just lazing around, enjoying life on the public dole, sitting on their butts because of all that wildly generous unemployment they get. Right?
I mean, that's what Cantor and Limbaugh and Boehner and their ilk keep telling us, right?
And even though there are five unemployed for each job out there, clearly if people continue to fall off of unemployment because Congressional GOPers refuse to extend it, that'll get them to magically find jobs (through more prayer!) and stop sucking at the public teat and become productive members of society, right? Right?
Oh, sure, they can get food stamps and Medicaid and other social safety net programs as they slip into chronically unemployed poverty. So next we'll need to cut those off, too, so that these parasites will conjure jobs up and stop being so poor and happily indolent. #ddtb
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Most of America's unemployed no long receiving benefits – The Denver Post
WASHINGTON — The jobs crisis has left so many people out of work for so long that most of Americas unemployed are no longer receiving unemployment benefits.