It's a sad day indeed when the voice of calm, reason, and rapprochement is from the crazy cartoonist, and not from a licensed member of our judicial system.
Note to the more boisterous of Inman's supporters — he's asking folks not to do anything to harass Carreon.
Reshared post from +Matthew Inman
Charles Carreon is officially suing me and the charities I'm raising money for.
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Charles Carreon is officially suing me and and the charities I'm raising money fo – The Oatmeal
Charles Carreon is officially suing me and and the charities I'm raising money for. Dear Charles Carreon, You're making things worse. This dispute was originally between myself and FunnyJunk. After th…
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The post this is shared from is currently sitting at +1531 on G+, with 468 shares.
My comment there (essentially the first paragraph of this post) is currently at +88, which is the most whuffie I think I've ever gotten on G+. Remarkable.
And the final count on that G+ post was +95 on my comment. Wow.