On the face of it, the voter registration fraud scandal by Nathan Sproul's Strategic Allied Consulting, is not unlike some of the things that ACORN was accused of back in 2008 — voter registration personnel turning in fraudulent registration forms.
In some ways, though, it's a lot worse.
It's worse because this firm was directly hired by the Republican National Committee.
It's worse because this firm changed its name, at the RNC's suggestion, because of "bad publicity" from shenanigans in previous election cycles. The RNC already knew of problems from Sproul and his company, but urged (and funded) their state committees to hire him go "get out the vote".
It's worse because many of the cases where ACORN workers turned in fraudulent forms were actually reported to election officials by ACORN (they still had to be turned in, by state laws). SAC doesn't seem to have done any vetting; the fraudulent forms were detected by county election workers.
And it's worse because while some ACORN contract registration workers were also accused of turning in fraudulent registrations, SAC (and its predecessors) appear to have, in previous cycles and this one, explicitly suppressed Democratic registration — only registering folks who said they wanted to sign up as Republicans, discarding (or altering) Democratic registration forms, etc.
And, of course, the chorus of noble-minded punditry from the Right, who were all over ACORN as the biggest purveyors of scandal since the Black Sox era, are dead silent on SAC. Because, of course, which side the scandal was on and whom it was benefiting.
Faint kudos to the RNC for realizing what a stink bomb it has on its hands and washing same of Sproul's firm. Which are washed away when you realize the should have known that when they hired him, as this is nothing new. Or that they hired him, even knowing about past problems. And, perhaps, hoping they wouldn't become known this time, too.
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GOP Caught in Massive Voter Registration Fraud Scheme | Dispatches from the Culture Wars
The Republican party has been caught red-handed paying millions of dollars to a company owned by a longtime GOP operative with a track record of committing voter registration fraud. Remember the girl …
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Well Dave, part of the problem is our useless press. FOX news and Drudge are their assignment editors, and since our useless press is nothing more than a bunch of stenographing sheep, they bleat and bleat until their shepherd tells them what to report. It also helps that the GOP is way better at staying on message and lockstep, this makes it way easier for the stenographing sheep to not actually do their job and just keep repeating whatever they are told by FOX, Drudge and the GOP.