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The stupid is strong

Do all conservatives or opponents of gun control plans think in this lunatic fashion? Of course not.

But there are those who do. And they are rarely shouted down by their co-politicists, but are instead encouraged by zany pundits and conservative media outlets and dominionist preachers all willing to (rhetorically, if not actually)  demonize the Democrats, Liberals, and most especially That Man in the White House, as well as anyone who simply disagrees with them, as Spawn from the Pit willing to do anything and everything to impose Communist Sharia United Nations Homosexualist Muslim Atheist Tyranny upon our great nation.

And with that encouragement, the crazies not only get heard, but supported and promoted and even become part of the normalized universe of ideas.  And so we slip further into hatred and chaos and madness …

(h/t +Wendy Cockcroft)

Reshared post from +Armando Lioss

This is the kind of people going against the President's gun control measures….

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6 thoughts on “The stupid is strong”

  1. Undoubtedly, +Chris Ruhs, and it's incumbent on every person of good will and intelligence to fight the crazies even if they're ostensibly on the "same side" — but it's the Lunatic Right that seems (to me, at least) to be given the most air time these days, and thus the most promotion of their zany conspiracy theories.

  2. There is no "both sides do it" in this case. Sitting Senators like Rand Paul (R-Confederacy) are channelling their inner John C. Calhoun: "Nullify!"

    It is to laugh at those trolls, however, not feed them.

  3. To be fair (probably far more so than this guy deserves), he might be confusing Hurricane Sandy (which did happen before the election) and Sandy Hook. That still makes him a misinformed idiot, but perhaps ever so slightly less insane.

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