Dave Hill’s ★★★½ review of Rise of the Guardians (2012) on Letterboxd.com
I was expecting this to be a kind of silly, self-consciously witty CG film, complete with an overdependence on topical references. Y’know: your normal Dreamworks presentation. Instead, I got something that does a decent job of layered, deeply imagined mish-mosh of folktalkes that usually (but not quite always) at least lives up to the sum of its interesting parts. The movie riffs on themes of belief and faith and their association with identity a…
Movie Review: "Rise of the Guardians" (2012)
Frankly, a lot better than I was expecting, with deeply imagined settings and characters somewhat sabotaged with a plot that rides (smoothly, to be sure) on very predictable rails for the last half of the movie.
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