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He won because he isn't Eric Cantor

That's the main explanation I take from all of this. Dave Brat, who beat Cantor in the GOP primary in Virginia, doesn't seem to have any well-thought-out positions, though I know if I were running for the position of US Representative I'd have done the homework on pretty much everything that's on the front page of the paper for the last month or two.

And if I were an economics professor, I suspect I'd have some sort of policy about the minimum wage. I mean, that's pretty darned basic.

So as far as I can see, he wasn't elected for himself, but because he wasn't associated with the GOP Leadership. Which is illustrative of the problems with the blanket "throw the bums out" philosophy of elections: you really want to have some idea about what bums you're throwing in.

Reshared post from +Les Jenkins

Talk about  a train wreck about to happen. This should be interesting to watch.

The Man Who Just Beat Eric Cantor Won’t Answer Basic Policy Questions
“I thought we were just going to chat today about the celebratory aspects,” he said.

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4 thoughts on “He won because he isn't Eric Cantor”

  1. His message seems to have been "I'm not Eric Cantor." And some generalities about guns, God, and freedom.  Which is good for motivational speeches (and, perhaps, for political campaigning), but not all that helpful for knowing how he'd actually legislate based on specific issues. 

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