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It's all about the fracking

Colorado communities are getting uppity, deciding that they don't want (or want only with significant restrictions) fracking in their back yards. There's been contention in the courts, and it looked like there'd be some dueling ballot propositions on the matter before a kick-the-can-down-the-road compromise came along this past week.

So it's not at all surprising why the Koch Bros. and other petrochem organizations are contributing so heavily to the campaign for the next AG of Colorado. As highlighted on her campaign page regarding business matters (

'If elected as your Attorney General, I will continue to take legal action and fight back when local jurisdictions break the law with their attempts to ban hydraulic fracturing.  Efforts to outlaw hydraulic fracturing effectively deprive landowners and companies of their property rights in contravention of the law.  Similarly, bans pertaining to oil and gas processes result in an odd patchwork of regulations that serve to impede activity deemed necessary by the Colorado General Assembly.  Such regulatory red tape prevents the development of the state’s mineral resources and is in direct conflict with Colorado law.

In those instances when interest groups and local governments try to usurp authority from law-abiding landowners and individuals in the oil and gas industry, I will enforce the law – even if it means taking overreaching, anti-drilling jurisdictions to court.'

Ah, yeah. No.

Why The Koch Brothers Are So Interested In Who Becomes The Next Attorney General Of Colorado
A large group, which has received significant funding from the fossil fuel industry and dark money groups backed by petrochemical billionaires Charles and David Koch, will apparently far exceed Coffman’s own fundraising totals.

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