I don't think you'd find many scientists not being paid by the livestock industry who would question that extensive use of antibiotics on cattle — for both health and to make them grow bigger and faster — has had an effect on the rise of antibiotic-resistant diseases that are, quite frankly, killing people.
But it's a money thing, don't you know, and so the livestock industry is more than happy to heavily lobby Congress, put continuing pressure on a timid FDA, and generally stonewall any sort of restrictions, or even reporting of antibiotic use. "Prove the matter to our satisfaction," they say, heirs to Big Tobacco's obfuscation for decades, and then make it difficult to impossible for scientists to get the information that might prove to congresscritters (but never to the livestock industry) that their practices are dangerous.
Originally shared by +Les Jenkins:
9 Things You Need To Know From Frontline Investigation Of Antibiotics & Animals
Last night, PBS’ Frontline aired a report on the huge amount of antibiotics that farmers pump into animal feed and the effects that this practice has on the development and spread of antibiotic-res…