And … the plastic sheeting is down between the breakfast room and the kitchen. Woot! We have a whole house again, even if we can't use part of it!
Actually, with that tarp down, the kitchen seems huge.
The countertop template folk came today, and everything seems the way it's supposed to be, with no glances askance or widened eyes in horror. Yay. Not sure of the due date for delivery and install, but that's a step in the right direction.
The various cardboard boxes of most of the cabinets are off to the recycler. I feel virtuous.
Painting is pretty much done upstairs and down, and it looks good.
This and that is still to be done on the punch list, but right now we're mostly in a holding pattern for the countertops.
Now to get back in the habit of existing the breakfast room from the family room side …
In Album Hill-Kleerup Kitchen – 2015-04-07
Perhaps we can get to that podcast soon.
and the wine is used for
+Helen Jackman Bottles from the cellar I need to mark off in the database. 🙂
Looks good, when do we see the finished photos?
+Helen Jackman … when it's finished. Which is looking to be May some time. Still need counters, backsplash, flooring, and appliances, not to mention various punch list items by both us and the contractor.