I expect to see the following headlines:
– GOP decries government interference in the people's right to be cancer-ridden. "They're coming to take away your carcinogens."
– Trump declares he could solve cancer with a snap of his fingers if he were elected.
– Fox News pundits condemn prioritization on cancer when influenza kills so many in the US. "Obama once more is caving in to the anti-cancer activists on the Left."
– Paul Ryan promises a series of votes to overturn the anti-cancer program, proposing instead to parcel out 50% of the money to individual states as block grants for them to start their own "moonshot" effort.
– The Koch Bros. buy the American Cancer Society and re-orient it as a grass-roots pro-cancer advocacy organization.
– David Barton writes a new book about how the Founding Fathers believed cancer was an integral part of our American dream, and that trying to cure is against Biblical prophecy.
Originally shared by +Les Jenkins:
Vice President Joe Biden to lead “moonshot” effort to end cancer | Ars Technica
Vague goals so far are to increase resources for research and “break down silos.”