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More on the Anglican Communion / Episcopal Church kerfuffle

So, for any of those who take this seriously, here's an update on the Grave Communique issued by the Primates at the Anglican Communion Primates Meeting in England yesterday, in which they (more in sorrow than in anger, though, really, kind of peeved) said the Episcopal Church wasn't working and playing well with others and should go stand in a corner for three years.

(I.e., "Ew, they have gay cooties! If we tell them we are quite cross with them and send them to their room, then surely they will see the error of their ways and change their minds about ordaining and marrying gay people. Though we don't want to actually kick them out because they and England are the only ones funding this whole Anglican thang.")

In point of fact, the Primates, and the Primate Meeting, don't have any legal (canonical) basis for doing such a thing, the wording of their communique notwithstanding. We don't have a Pope, the Primates are not a curia, etc.

But that said, to the extent that the Anglican Communion is sort of a social thing (at least amongst the folk dressed in various shades of purple and magenta), then this particular contretemps indicates that those social relationships are strained, and the wording is such that the larger clique in the room is stamping its feet rather loudly. Whether this models what Christ intended for the Church is in the eye of the beholder.

Here, via Jim are some good (IMO) things to read on the subject (if you are interested in Anglican polity from an Episcopalian perspective, which, to be sure, is kind of an interesting but narrow fandom).

On the other hand, the Archbishop of Canterbury is demonstrating the fine Anglican theological art of splitting hairs:


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2 thoughts on “More on the Anglican Communion / Episcopal Church kerfuffle”

  1. I accept the consequences. I’d rather be on the side of ECUSA than on the side of a Bishop who declared that poverty is not an issue and human suffering is not an issue; the only issue is what people are doing with their private parts. That is not a direct quote, of course, but it is the gist of what Peter Akinola (Anglican Primate of Nigeria) had to say.

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