Abraham Lincoln — an attorney and a president — is famously attributed as saying "He who represents himself has a fool for a client.”
Which brings me to Donald Trump who, apparently, is not only smarter than all the judges hearing the case (I'm sure they will appreciate that), but smarter than the folk arguing against his Executive Order and the folk from the Justice Dept. arguing for it.
As he read from US immigration law, the President declared that even a "bad high school student" could understand the language and find in his favor. […] "I watched last night in amazement and I heard things that I couldn't believe, things that really had nothing to do with what I just read," Trump said during his event Wednesday morning in Washington. He even offered criticism for his own Justice Department defense, saying: "I listened to lawyers on both sides last night and they were talking about things that had nothing to do with it."'
[…] But the President dismissed claims that he overstepped his bounds as ignorant misreading of the law. "I was a good student. I comprehend very well, OK, better than I think almost anybody," Trump said. "It can't be written any plainer or better." Trump said his executive order was "written beautifully" and fully within the bounds of US statute.'
Clearly next time he needs to just present his own case before the Circuit Panel. I mean, which his very well comprehension and plainer, beautiful writing, I'm sure he can win any case through the sheer better-than-a-bad-high-school-student brilliance of his intellect.
Who needs a Justice Department, when we have a President who so can so clearly represent himself?
Trump to judges: Even a ‘bad high school student’ would rule in my favor
President Donald Trump harshly criticized arguments against his temporary travel ban on Wednesday, discounting a legal challenge to the order as anti-security and lambasting the federal judicial system that’s weighing it as overtly political.
Since he clearly is so superior to anyone, maybe he should go before the judge himself to argue his case. I'd pay handsomely to see that in-person.
Even if the court ultimately rules in his favor, he's likely to wind up with several contempt charges. I have doubts that anybody sitting on a Federal bench right now would put up with his attitude in their courtroom for very long.
I'd pay to watch that.
Among other also Dunning Kruger at work I presume.