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No, wishing for Trump to be assassinated is not acceptable

And, yes, Missouri state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal should resign, no matter what party she belongs to. That sort of rhetoric is not only morally repugnant, but socially destructive, counter-productive, and, frankly, should disqualify a politician from exercising power.

I don’t know that she can be forced from office, but were I the Missouri state Democratic party, I’d denounce her and cut off any campaign funding, and were I the majority leader in the state senate I’d do whatever I could to strip her of committee memberships.

In this I am holding politicians to a higher standard than other people — but, yes, folk who pull that sort of rhetoric in my social networks tend to get reported and blocked.

State senator who posted about Trump assassination apologizes, but refuses to step down – ABC News

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8 thoughts on “No, wishing for Trump to be assassinated is not acceptable”

  1. "In this I am holding politicians to a higher standard than other people…"

    It's not the fact that she is a politician, it is the fact that she is a legislator, charged with creating laws. And while the law that she violated is a federal law, she still should have been aware of it.

    (And, needless to say, the same thing would apply for someone stating that Trump's predecessor should be assassinated.)

  2. I don't think she should. With her first being black but at some point can't someone please say what this thread of the public wants. Look morally I'm a christian and I can ask forgiveness for a thought. And YES she's a legislature but the NUT is exhausting and with him coming in behind a LEADER who truly showed what being PRESIDENT really was like … not looked like but really doing the WORK. this NUT has not only morally bankrupted this country but has single handedly destroyed any of the major working parts. Please forgive me I just had to get that out … there are ten babies who's bodies are lost because his kind if STUPID is contagious !!! This has happened three times in two months !!!

  3. +John E. Bredehoft As a participant in the political / governing group in the state (using the broad sense of the term), she should know far better than to advocate — even out of frustration and rage — violence against the government or its members. Breaking of the law or not, it's like a doctor saying aloud, "God, this patient is such a pain in the ass, I wish I could prescribe him cyanide."

  4. Perhaps a compromise can be discovered. For each $10,000 of federal funds consumed by discretionary expenses attributed to P45 and his family on any given day, each family member must consume 1 cubic centimeter of whatever flavor ice cream they desire during a period of 30 minutes during the next day. Being sentenced to eating ice cream hardly seems cruel or inhuman. However, the ice cream headache from a $3M golf weekend might avert frequent repetitions of this kind of behavior. There are measures far short of capital punishment that may easily be proven to be both safe and effective when used as directed.

  5. +Dan McCullough I have to respectfully disagree. It has nothing to do with her gender, her race / ethnicity, or her party, one way or the other. Publicly wishing death on another person is morally wrong. Wishing in on the head of the government is societally and and politically wrong, to a degree that I feel disqualifies her from being able to be a portion of our representative government.

    (And from a purely pragmatic position, just consider what the assassination — the martyrdom — of Donald Trump would to to this country.)

    If someone wants to wish for his impeachment, or even for a prolonged but benignly disabling illness, that would be one thing. Assassination is not a joke, and wishing for it is not something that should be normalized into acceptability.

  6. Bru … you are absolutely correct and yes death is over the top. I don't wish him death … but the visceral this administration has generated not just here but around the world. It's disgusting but death is too much

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