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Again, a reminder that the GOP hasn’t stopped trying to repeal the ACA

Everyone sort of went back to sleep on this one after their try failed in July. But despite an actual bipartisan effort to fix ACA problems, a key group of GOP Senators is back at it, pushing a bill forward as fast as they can so that they can get it in before the end of the month, when the majority-only reconciliation process runs out of time.

And, yes, as previously noted, this bill does all sorts of jolly, humane, compassionately conservative things, including:

— Letting states waive essential insurance benefits
— Letting insurance companies charge more for people with preconditions
— Remove mandates on large employers to provide health insurance
— Rolling back the Medicaid expansion
— Turning Medicaid into a block grant with a reduced budget
— Cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood for a year

The results are (still, again) in the short term lots of people losing insurance, in the long term even more people losing their insurance or being bankrupted by their medical expenses, and ongoing a further reduction in the safety net in case of (inevitable) economic downturn or disaster.

Contact your Senators.

Republicans Demand Another Vote to Repeal the Affordable Care Act – The New York Times
If the Senate does not vote by the end of next week, repealing the law would require 60 votes, not a simple majority.

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10 thoughts on “Again, a reminder that the GOP hasn’t stopped trying to repeal the ACA”

  1. ' Make America great again HOW ' Both Parties corrupt courier Congress and Senate spending taxpayer money like a grows on trees Sick Of It.

    Federal spending in 2017 will top $4 trillion. Social Security, at $1 trillion, will take up most of it. Medicare ($582 billion) and Medicaid ($404 billion) are the next-largest expenditures.

    Social Security would not be that much if NOT for the Obama Politically Correct Courts giving Social Security benefits to 12,000,000 or more people who never paid into it ,,, Catch my drift.

    Also Crook Congress stealing Social Security taking billions to pay for their so called Priority Needs, Social Security is just a Piggy Bank to them,,they could not care less about U.S. Senior Citizens to them Senior Citizens are just a BIG Pain in the butt,, Wishing they would hurry up and Die they are a drain on the system.

  2. +Dale Smith While you raise some interesting points, the fact that you've spammed that same message across multiple locations makes me think you're not serious about having a discussion.

    Also. people not in the country legally (the wink-wink 12 million you reference) do not receive Social Security benefits (even if they are paying into the system through payroll taxes).


  3. The main point of the bill, from what I can see, is to punish the blue states that went along with the ACA and Medicaid expansion so that they can reward their own states (red) for thwarting Obama and bonus points for slowly killing medicaid which they have been wanting to kill for 50 years.

  4. +Carol Davis one of these days the Dems will figure out how the game is played and stop being suckers. Though it helps the GOP that they have a dedicated propaganda outlet that acts as the assignment editor for the rest of the media to attack and keep pressure on the Dems to keep them from being able to play the game if they are ever in power.

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