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The one Obama legacy that Trump hasn’t tried to get rid of (yet)

Melania Trump is continuing the White House South Lawn vegetable garden that Michelle Obama planted, and the harvest is both being used by the White House kitchen and donated to local charities.

It’s a small thing, and a lot of the other substantive food health policy that the Obamas promulgated has been put on hold or eliminated by Donald. But at least it’s something.

(The article begins, “The first lady, more at home in Manhattan than among rows of crops, hosted local schoolchildren at the White House on Friday …” which suddenly conjured images of Eva Gabor and Green Acres. Hmm. Melania even sounds a bit like Gabor; they were born only about 250 miles (and 50 years) apart.)

Melania Trump embraces Michelle Obama’s vegetable garden – POLITICO

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55 thoughts on “The one Obama legacy that Trump hasn’t tried to get rid of (yet)”

  1. +Linda Tewes the only irony and embarrassment is self imposed. She could actually do well to own the idea that Michelle did a great job and started meaningful programs that she is dedicated to preserving. Trump could become remembered as a good president if he passes universal healthcare.

    These people are dying for adulation, they could get it easily by listening to the people.

  2. +a cat made of sweat You're absolutely right. We shouldn't attack you for liking Trump or believing illegals should be deported. You should be pitied for your poor cognitive skills and lack of empathy. Those deficits must make life incredibly difficult for you.

    Here learn something about the limits of free speech.

    By the way, the 1st amendment doesn't protect you from the consequences of your speech.

  3. This is just for show..look how she took the pic..lie lie..She working in the same garden http://Mrs.Obama work in lie…Let' Call her Meleania the copycat on what http://Mrs.Obama have all ready done…..Don't forget the Speech. .lie lie copycat..Hell fine something she can put her dam name on..lies just lies ..Here its fall what dam garden in DC…lies

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