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Trump has yet to learn that his words have the impact they do

Oh, he believes they have an impact — that many people are enchanted, enthralled, inspired, and oh-so-admiring of his words, his beautiful words, some of the best words ever.

But they have a legal impact, too. And he just doesn’t get it.

His Muslimish travel ban got into big trouble because multiple courts looked at the Administration argument that it wasn’t a Muslim ban, then looked at Trump’s multiple tweets and speeches promising a Muslim ban, and decided that, yeah, it was an attempt at an un-Constitutional Muslim ban.

His ban on transgender troops serving in the US military got into similar trouble — announced by unexpected tweet, then later followed up by paperwork that tried to make it sound like it as considered and well-planned, and certainly not an arbitrary thing to do. At least on federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction on the policy precisely because Trump shot off his mouth about it early and often.

And now this.

Trump talks so much about how his supporters, the vast majority of Americans, hang on his every word. And he’s now declared to them, have asserted to them, that Sayfullo Saipov is (1) an enemy combatant, (2) undoubtedly guilty of the crimes he is accused of, (3) should be sent off right now to the place where we keep evil terrorists, and (4) should be executed quickly.

It may surprise Donald to learn that we actually have this little thing in the Constitution called “due process,” that our judicial system is based on a principle of “innocent until proven guilty in a court of law,” and that the chief executive making assertions such as the above has just made it far more difficult to try Saipov.

“Juror Number 5 — are you a supporter of President Trump? Do you believe that he is out to protect our nation from terrorists? Did you hear or read about his comments on the Defendant? Do you feel you can put aside those comments and still judge this case without any prejudice or prior conclusions about the Defendant’s guilt and, if convicted, judge the appropriate punishment without outside influence beyond the instructions of the court? Thank you, Juror Number 5, you’re dismissed.”

Smooth move, Mr. Trump. Smooth move.

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3 thoughts on “Trump has yet to learn that his words have the impact they do”

  1. This highlights Donald Trump exactly.
    How many times have you seen a drunk in action when you on an evening out ?
    There are people that change after excess of alcohol. They know what they are going to do and say next, but just can't stop themselves. Totally moronic and rediculous in behaviour and actions. Incapable of rationality due to alcohol. Donald does not drink ! But he behaves and react just like a bar room drunk, no rationality in his rhetoric, just verbal abuse because he can.
    Unfit in every way for office.

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