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Who-t couture

I’m not sure I’m thrilled about the new Jodie Whittaker outfit (though, yeah, long coat, but, shoulders, what?). I actually sort of liked the charcoal hoodie from the announcement clip. But I’m less worried about how she looks than how her stories go.

But since everyone is always wondering what the next Doctor will wear … well, here it is.

At least it’s not a floral print.

Doctor Who’s New Doctor Has a New Outfit
Ladies and Gentlemen, the 13th Doctor has finally arrived. Sure, Jodie Whittaker might have been cast as Doctor Who’s groundbreaking new Doctor months ago, but does a Time Lord truly arrive until they’re dressed for the occasion?

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29 thoughts on “Who-t couture”

  1. The outfits from almost all the Doctors, classic and new, have said something about their personalities and styles. Ten's "geek chic", Nine's leather jacket, Three's dandy tendencies, you sort of could tell who they'd be by how they dressed. I'm just not sure what this one says yet, and I'd like it more if it clicked for me. Obviously the stories matter more, yeah, but I do think wardrobe helps set the tone.

  2. One of the recent parameter the wardrobe designers have to take into account is cosplay. To spread popularity, it has been said the costumes have to be easy enough to copy on the cheap by fans.

  3. +Clara Oswald Bill Potts was gay, as were Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint. Hell, even Clara was bisexual. The Doctor herself is genderfluid and is some sort of pansexual. I really don't understand how you can be so blatantly homophobic and still be a fan.

  4. +Strax
    How am I being homophobic as well? I have no problem with Bill I'm just saying if they push that kind of stuff in my face that'll be one less viewer they have to worry about. I really have no problem with homosexuality as long as it isn't pushed upon me.

  5. +Clara Oswald I suppose one question is what constitutes "pushing" it. For some people, that might be graphic sexual acts. For others, it's even acknowledging that gay people exist. Some people are okay with characters identified as LGBT, but not any overt sign of it in the character's actions; a kiss or holding hands or even showing a boyfriend/girlfriend is "pushing."

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