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A Name to Conjure By

Apparently some folk — the white folk who make racist comments against people who aren’t white — have decided the current president’s name makes for a great racist taunt in and of itself, or an authority to invoke alongside other racist taunts.

Can’t imagine how that became a thing.

‘Trump, Trump, Trump!’ How a President’s Name Became a Racial Jeer
President Trump’s surname has become a racially charged taunt, or a braying assertion that the country is being taken back from forces that threaten it.

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30 thoughts on “A Name to Conjure By”

  1. The correct response is Obama, Obama, Obama. President Obama's existence touches the deepest hidden fear of the white racist man; the offspring of a white American girl seduced and impregnated by an African man becomes the most powerful man in the world.

  2. The word 'racist' was ironically conceived by a 'white man' known as Leon Trotsky who was linked to the massacre of many, many white people.

    I'm sick and tired of hearing the mere word as though it has some influence any longer. It's overplayed and overused.

  3. +Hgean Kid Nebula A white male in America has no meaning of the world threat. It's unseemly to claim that a white male is under some kind of opression. It down right unmanly. Lots of people have to live a white American males worse nightmares for a good day. This whole White Male defensive stance just seems absurd and cowardly to anyone else.

  4. +Eric Walker ok I just realized I probably misinterpreted one of your comments. what does Umberto Eco say, how do we interpret it, and what's the true meaning?
    also, you seem to believe whites have the most rights, so explain how. I can't debate you if I don't have anything to read and either allow to change my way of thinking or attempt to debunk.

  5. 1. Your frame of reference is limited to the debate you thought you might have: a black guy you can condescending jabs at about racism in America.
    2. If that's how you came in to the dialectic, you don't understand what the problems are. You aren't interested in why they are problems, and you are interested in an interview today performance where you reaffirm your own position.
    Those two positions are an insult to my intelligence. I'm black, so I have to understand myself, and I have to understand your position too, because your position, well you don't really have one, the position given to you is the one I have to reconcile and navigate everyday. If you understood how states make the sausage, really make the sausage, seeing yourself as an individual, you wouldn't ever have the arrogance to imagine you were a part of whiteNess. You aren't. It's absurd to think that the things that trapped you at all needs defending. Why would a mouse defend the lions teeth. I knew you were a fool already. Your whiteness and my blackness are arbitrary markers in a system of control that's in a system of control that's designed to exploit the rest of the world while a handful of people live lives completely based on the toil others produce. This isn't even about communism either, don't get excited. It's about how the world works and how people attach themselves to identities that debase themselves and how they are convinced to use those identities to ignore their own suffering and the suffering of others.
    You don't get that. You don't want to. You want edgelordia. You want pithy meme. You want to p'own a black guy on the internet. Why would I be interested in doing that? I spent years reading hundreds of thousands of pages philosophy and sociology to figure out the legacy of human bondage and genocide. To me someone begging that question is … Who the fuck are you?

  6. 1. Show me you're smarter than everyone else I've debated, then.
    2. No need to make assumptions. I'm asking for a debate, not an interview. The whole idea of debating is both sides trying to convince the other side that their own side is right. And, if proven wrong, you can learn. How can I try to find out why there are problems if I don't know any exist?
    3. My position is that there is no racial oppression in America.
    4. I don't understand what you meant by "If you understood how states make the sausage, really make the sausage, seeing yourself as an individual, you wouldn't ever have the arrogance to imagine you were a part of whiteNess." Maybe you should proofread your comments so people can understand you?
    5. What's trapping me?
    6. Did you just assume my race? My pfp isn't me.
    7. Can you explain what this "system of control" is?
    8. You're the only one who brought up communism. I don't change the topic during arguments, with the exception of analogies that explain the current topic that might lead to separate debates.
    9. Only an idiot would ignore their own suffering to be someone they aren't, if that's what you're saying.
    10. More assumptions! I've been respectful so far. If I wanted only pwnage, I'd unleash all my inner sass on you. I didn't even know your race until you told me, and even now, I don't give a fuck.
    11. The legacy of human bondage and mistakes have nothing to do with present-day America, unless there's still oppression like you claim, which you've given no evidence for.
    12. I'm a person with a phone, a laptop, and a G+ account that wants a discussion. That's all you need to know about me, though I'll gladly answer more questions that don't reveal my identity.

  7. You don't have the intellectual foundation to make the claim you made. If you did you wouldn't of resolved what you resolved. You drew a stupid conclusion. Thought experiment: let's say Ice Cream exists. You claim there isn't chocolate ice cream. Why is it less possible that there is chocolate ice cream? Do you understand why I think your stupid? You haven't read enough about how nationalistic states control their populations to make the claim you do. I don't need your identity I know who I am. I don't care about you. I'm… disturbed by to lack of self awareness as a trait in public life. Maybe you know even less of what you speak than I think. I don't care. I'm sorry for thinking of you as emblematic. You're a person. You do think the internet taught you how to think, which I disagree with. I don't think social media helps. We don't degree on what debate is. Debates are performance. They convince observer's of the validity of a viewpoint. Dialectic is two people teaching each other as much as they know. You see what I mean? You don't even understand what you are saying.

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