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Everyone gets offshore oil drilling … except, it seems, Florida

After Trump’s Interior Secretary Zinke announced that pretty much everywhere would now be open to offshore oil drilling (and it was also announced that a bunch of regulations put in place around offshore drilling in the aftermath of the BP oil disaster a few years back), there was a lot of outrage from (among others) lots of different states that happen to have coastlines that they would rather not seen covered with spilled out (or coastal views they would just as soon have filled with offshore derricks [1]).

Well, worry not, because it’s easy to get out of offshore oil development: just ask!

Zinke announced today that, no, there won’t be any exploration off the coast of Florida. All Gov. Rick Scott had to do was ask.

Oh, and be a loyal Trump supporter.

Oh, and be running for the US Senate and wanting to avoid having Floridans, including even maybe some Republicans, being pissed off about offshore drilling.

Of course, the excuse looks to be “Florida is unique and its coasts are heavily reliant on tourism as an economic driver.” Because I’m sure no other coastal states are “unique,” or that their coasts are reliant on tourism, or fisheries, or other things that big oil spills might damage.

California? Virginia? Maine? Washington? Alaska? Ugly coastlines, no tourists, drill, baby, drill.

It’s good to be a political ally of the the majority party, whether it’s getting access to all that precious oil and gas for your bottom line, or sealing it off so that you get votes for a Senate run.

[1] Insert ironic comment here about how Donald Trump pitched a hissy-fit over wind farms offshore from his Scottish golf course.

The Trump Administration Will Not Allow Drilling Off the Florida Coast
Florida’s GOP Governor opposed the idea

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9 thoughts on “Everyone gets offshore oil drilling … except, it seems, Florida”

  1. I'm told someone was looking offshore of Mar-a-Lago, as well.

    Alaskan waters are also natural resources which should be protected, as are Gulf Coast Waters. In fact, there aren't any Waters which shouldn't be protected. How does that resonate with the "opening of all coastal waters"?

  2. It is telling that they feel they don't even need to hide the corruption anymore: They know they have absolute power; they are in charge and we are to feel grateful for whatever crumbs they throw our way. If they think they are a fascist regime, and if they therefore feel at liberty to behave like a fascist regime, then they are a fascist regime, all the pretty trappings of "democracy" notwithstanding.

  3. +John Hummel Well, they aren't quite (yet) saying, "Offshore oil rigs for our enemies, pristine beaches for our friends" … quite yet.

    Ironically, Trump/Zinke's actions here make it more likely that court challenges by states unhappy with the change will be more successful, Until Trump manages to pack enough appointees into the federal judiciary, that is.

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