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Keep Your Friends Close (Trump Edition)

In personal businesses (leaving aside crime mobs), personal relationship is everything. People you know are the people you know, and the only ones from whom you can expect loyalty from. Outside experts are, by definition, outsiders, and cannot be trusted because they are not, first and foremost, people in your circle.

So this kind of behavior — “Hey, this guy flies my plane, he says hi to me whenever I get on board, once he brought me a bowl of peanuts and he let me sit in the co-pilots chair, so of course he’s the best guy to run the FAA” — is completely what I would expect from Trump. And, by the same token, I expect it to blow up in his face (and/or the nation’s face) as a result.

John Dunkin may be an incredible pilot, and he might even surprise me by being a fantastic FAA Administrator. But the two do not automatically go together, and the president’s apparent top criteria for nomination — personal acquaintance and expected personal loyalty — do not fill me with confidence.

[h/t +Stan Pedzick]

Exclusive: Trump privately pushing personal pilot to run FAA
The agency has a budget in the billions and oversees all civil aviation in the U.S.

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10 thoughts on “Keep Your Friends Close (Trump Edition)”

  1. Guess That Would Be Like Hillary Clinton Having Her Daughter As A Employee Of The Clintons Global Initiative? Or When She Fired All Of The People Who Worked On The White House Travel Agency For Over 30 Year's.& Installed Her Pals From Arkansas To Run It When Bill and Was President? Sort Of Like That ?

  2. +Tony Catania If you don't understand the difference between somebody hiring for a private company, and somebody hiring for a government post for the common good, maybe you shouldn't comment on either one. Also, note that there's a difference between hiring somebody you know personally because you know for a fact they have management experience of the type you need, and hiring somebody you know personally when there's zero evidence they have the experience. There's a difference between somebody you know from back home who ran similar sized organizations before, and somebody from back home because he fixed your cars.

    Oh, and by the way, in normal English, most words aren't capitalized unless they're proper nouns or the first word in a sentence.

  3. So Then Chelsea Was Hired To Oversee The Foundation Finances Because She Had Experience With Money Management?And Having A People Who Had Over 30 Year's Experience Working In A Particular Place Who Were Fired For So-called Financial Irregularities & The People Who Would Be Loyal To You & Allow U To Get Kickbacks For The Airline Business Arrangement That Your Newly Installed Lackey's Will Green Light Aren't A Problem Right? Just People Who Are Known To You & You Trust The Do A Good Job Are A Question Mark Is That What You Mean?

  4. +Tony Catania You might want to learn to write first before you try to handle the big concepts. Valdis has a better understanding of English then you do.. As well as a better understanding of the topic… But lets take baby steps here.

  5. I Know When I Am Reading Demoncratic Propaganda & Able To Form My Own Opinions On Subjects Whilst Reading Watt Obviously Haters Of The Current Occupant Of The Oval Office Have To Find A Chargeable Offence For Every Thing He Does . But Are Strangely Silent Of The Many Criminal Misdeeds Of The Person Who Was Seeking This Office.As To My Style Of Writing I Am Sure That U Can See That I Am Getting You Annoyed By It & Considering That U Are A Sore Loser Liberal Phoney Hypocrites

  6. Yeah Like The Sheriff In Broward County Ought Too Be Nominated For The New FBI Directors Position Right? He Is Doing A Great Job Down There & He Has A Lot Of Experience Running A Large Public Entity Doesn't He? Plus He Is A Demoncrat!

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