Wherein the President of the United States:
— Asserts that his terrific friend Emmanuel Macron has come around to his away of thinking about Iran (which Macron’s speech to Congress certainly doesn’t support).
— Suggests Iran isn’t acting as beligerently toward America any more because otherwise he’ll wipe them out.
— Asserts that “Admiral Ronny” Jackson is a fantastic guy, that all the accusations against him are fake, and that the Democrats are all obstructionists who won’t let people get appointed and Mitch McConnell could force that if he ran the Senate 7 days a week, but he won’t do that, but that’s okay because the Democratic Senator who said mean things about Jackson will doubtless be defeated the next time he runs for office and who cares about experience because nobody has experience of running something as large as the VA.
— Accuses James Comey of being a lying leaker of oodles of classified material, and guilty of crimes, and a liar about how long Trump was in Moscow because Comey says that Trump said he didn’t stay overnight but obviously he did stay overnight, so Comey’s a liar, but that was all reported on CNN, who were the ones who gave Hillary Clinton the debate questions. But Comey would be in real trouble if the Justice Dept. was doing its job, but Trump has been keeping hands off of the Justice Dept., but that maybe is going to change.
— Throws Michael Cohen under the bus as someone who does very, very little work for him (but is a great guy and did nothing wrong) and Trump;s not involved and he’s been told he’s not involved.
— Admires Kanye West for admiring him, and notes that blacks only vote for Democrats because of “custom,” and nobody realizes that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, and he, Trump, got a lot of black votes and should have gotten much more.
— Asserts that the media suppresses the Republican vote by making people think the Republicans are going to lose so they stay home, and nobody in the media is talking about the Republican special election winner yesterday.
— Denies he’s given up anything to the North Koreans, even if the lying media says he has.
— Lambastes those evil ingrates at NBC for saying mean things about him, even after he made them a fortune with “The Apprentice.”
— Snipes that the Justice Dept. and the FBI are full of crooked people and they’re all corrupt and Democrats..
— And, in-between all that, he trots out old canards about how Obama gave the Iranians crates of cash for the nuclear deal; how everybody admits that nobody has ever done as much as he did in his first year of the presidency; how he easily won the election (and would have won it even more if it were based on a popular vote), and how it’s a witch hunt, a witch hunt I tell you!
I swear to God, sometimes the interview sounds like Capt. Queeg on the stand in The Caine Mutiny.
The whole thing gets wrapped by Trump as follows (Fox folk interjections elided) …
Look, I’m fighting a battle against a horrible group of deep-seated people — drained the swamp — that are coming up with all sorts of phony charges against me, and they’re not bringing up real charges against the other side. So we have a phony deal going on and it’s a cloud over my head. And I’ve been able to do — to really escape that cloud because the message now everyone knows — it’s a fix, okay. It’s a witch hunt, and they know that, and I’ve been able to message it. I would give myself an A+. Nobody has done what I’ve been able to do and I did it despite the fact that I have a phony cloud over my head that doesn’t exist. It was what the Democrats used to try and make an excuse for their loss of an election — for their loss of the Electoral College that they should never lose because the Electoral College is set up perfectly for the Democrats and this was an absolute total beating in the Electoral College. They should never lose the Electoral College and they did and they got thwamped.
The problem is that it’s such a — it’s such — if you take a look they’re so conflicted. The people that are doing the investigation — you have 13 people that are Democrats. You have Hillary Clinton people. You have people that worked on Hillary Clinton’s foundation. They’re all — I don’t mean Democrats, I mean like the real deal. And then you look at the phony Lisa Page and Strzok and the memos back and forth, and the FBI. And by the way, you take a poll at the FBI. I love the FBI, the FBI loves me. But the top people in the FBI, headed by Comey, were crooked. You look at McCabe where he takes $700,000 from somebody supporting Hillary Clinton. He takes $700,000 for his wife’s campaign. And by the way, didn’t even spend that money. They kept some of it because under that law you’re — he took seven. He took $700,000 from a group headed by Terry McAuliffe who was under investigation by McCabe and the FBI and that investigation disappeared. He took $700,000. And you look at the corruption at the top of the FBI. It’s a disgrace. And our Justice Department, which I try and stay away from, but at some point I won’t.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our President.
And you are more than welcome to keep him (over there, away from us, please).
That's next; rolling two big steel ball bearings. And searching the White House for keys. (I kid you not.)
God bless President Trump and God bless America.
+Harry Maciolek hello that's really true
its Melanias birthday , i bet he does'nt sleep with her , she did'nt sign up for 1st lady , she hates him ,
+duncan yourmate are you sure
There are so many problems. Young couples face bitterness in marriage and want to run from it. Love is becoming so bitter that people no longer want to have anything to do with it anymore. you?? Yes you. what's yours?? What are you facing in that your relationship that make you want to quit though your composure is feeling to stay? Don't run or quit. You can rebuild it and make it a solid foundation. Don't be that foolish woman that scattereth. Be that wise woman who from nothing build up something. Let's come together to fight together as we rub minds together as one to find solutions for that failing relationship and save your marriage from falling. Catch up with me via ( j.maasunlight@gmail.com) and once I have your message, spiritually/physical we shall settle it and restore back your happiness and remove away every storm of bitterness in that relationship.
i'm sure she once did golden showers , but not anymore , remember shes in USA cause of her academic brilliance visa, Trump is a bankrupt gangster, the 1st person in history to bankrupt casinos , he is worse than Nixon
+duncan yourmate Empty life syndrome, it's what I got when I rearranged the letter's in your name.
Poor Trump, the media's against him, and the judges. The FBI is not on his side nor is the public opinion when his ratings are so low ; but that is because they are so wrong about him. They should stick their heads on the ground , and don't listen to fake news.
Such a noble man Mr Trump … he is freeing the world from worries about global warming , and minimizing the work of the EPA. The EU is judging him wrong for his isolation , and take him as a bully. He is the best president except for the others 44.
+Tony Roberts, i'll say prayer for you
That's my boy
+Tony Roberts so as you find the missing letters , a wannbe Tony Robbins
Nuff Said!!!https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/3YgUTG5FNTip_DddtTgZh7vQ2yLEFrVX_usgDq7TZ4kObEHmRm1gKQSpw-EqxXH5dgdlqWSjJzc
+Salty and Raw wilson Minimizing global warming… by saying it's a Chinese lie.
Go Trump !
Abnormal connection on motto.
fox news, the spinzone continues…… where's oduckly these days?….. the sexual harassment corp. culture….. run by murduck…… conservative hypocrites……. just saying………. 🙂
+Salty and Raw wilson i agree except…I would say better than the other 43. Regan was a good one that stepped up and faced criticism as well
🇺🇸 Trump 2020 🇺🇸
+Ben Rodrigo 👎
He is my President and I will vote for him again
The USA and International Accounts are just about where they were before the last GFC, Now this Loonie is playing around with the eggs in the basket and trying to dictate the game, Well fuck you Trump🖕
Ladies and gentleman our lying asshole of a man!
+Harry Maciolek God Bless anybody not named Trump
+Awoken Black Star hillary?
+Salty and Raw wilson Poor Trump. Failing and looking like a total asshole because he can't do anything
+Steven Shirk He is an asshole and you should vote for someone else. He isn't MY President and never will be.
+Ben Rodrigo Hillary wasn't that good either. The election was a battle between 2 shiny turds and a dick-measuring contest rather than a real vote count
Please Help! Have you seen my lost uncle? He's a little crazy and delusional, but a nice guy. He's been missing for about 2 years already.
+Martin Kühne Then call the police or something
+Awoken Black Star look at the pic. 🙂
+Steven Shirk Na na na na na na! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! HA HA HA HA HA HA!
+Martin Kühne Oh, is that the real Trump? Shit, he looks even worse without his wig.
+Jimmy the Saint
So +Steven Shirk or +Salty and Raw wilson. You wanna keep arguing about how BAD Trump is?
Everyday is a Cry out for you liberal degenerates. You lost,get over it. Oh,and get used to it. Hahaha
+David Lee okay
Harry and Mavis, I second the motion!!! God Bless!
+Franchesca Carrasco I pray you'll smarten up one day
I think that anyone who agrees with this guy is just making a fool of themselves and carries the same greedy rasist values as him. I would even feel sorry for them if I thought it wouldn't make me feel stupid for wasting my time
+Family Sanchez You person/people have intelligence of the awoken. Welcome to the AWOKEN EMPIRE!
+Awoken Black Star whether you like it or not. he is our president and that is the end of that, so go cry in your pillow snowflake !
Not to mention he basically hired the man who is trying to fuck over the internet
+Jimmy the Saint Whoa, calm down Tinkerbell! I can assure you that he isn't OUR President. He is our TOOL! Like all other foolish Conservatives, your opinion doesn't matter, and your own opinion and voice shall be DELETED! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!
+Gladiolus Amicita can confirm.
I’m not joking. He appointed Ajit Pai without a single background check so he didn’t care what Ajit’s motives. He didn’t care if Ajit is a fucking ISP shill. He just cares about fucking over the little people
Trump and real Americans are winning. The socialist communist liberal Democrats are losing, the the corrupt lying msm who has been hell bent on destroying Trump is telling you the opposite and you dumb Fucks believe them. God help you all.
+Paco Rebenga Nope, Trump is losing. We Democrats are winning. For we are the smart ones. Mueller has proven it. Trump made Comey a household name. So, who is winning again?
Shut the fuck up, Paco. I bet you support Ajit’s net neutrality repeal because Trump is the asshole who appointed him
+Awoken Black Star it's a shame you can't do that with the whole world. because then nothing would offend you and you would be a happy little boy.. put your big boy pants on grow up and use your brain or do you have one ? And of course the best Cop Out attitude is delete.
+Jimmy the Saint You're a fucking idiot if you fail to see the problem here. This orange adult man is incapapable of taking any criticism and cries about it on twitter like a whiny little bitch. How can you be the president of the united states and not be able to take criticism?Yet you call anyone who criticizes him snowflakes? He's a disgrace to our democracy.
+Seth Mixon so if you're a proud Democrat that means you support all the corruption that Hillary Clinton did and all the rest of the Democ"Rats" Buona fortuna !
Rump was elected to be Commander and Chief, Not Commander and Stupid. He has no cause or right to threaten other Countries. If those agreements were made by prior administrations and they are still in effect and said agreements are being adhered to it is not his arbitrary position or authority to just Trash it on a whim!
+Jimmy the Saint There was no corruption from Hillary. Just Trump
+Jimmy the Saint Yeah, because she's fucking hitler. All she did was send some emails on a private server. You're delusional.
+Awoken Black Star and you talk about being blind, okay what about the illegal server she had in the closet..
+Jimmy the Saint No one fucking cares about her god damn emails.
+Seth Mixon calm down snowflake ! we don't want you going and crying in your pillow now.. Lol
+Jimmy the Saint Fake news
Our president….. He would do so much better if he didn't speak (Or twitt) his mind at that moment, without thinking or a social filter. So, he comes off as contradictory, confused and short on facts. Someone please teach him how to think first then speak…… 😥
+Jimmy the Saint Oh god! using the same weak insult again? You are truly a pathetic piece of trash!
+Awoken Black Star see that's all you can do is insult and swear at people because you actually have nothing else to go off of.. have a great day at work..
+Jimmy the Saint So the exact same thing you're doing, except you're calling people snowflakes? XD
+Jimmy the Saint Sorry. Off today
+Awoken Black Star you couldn't be more wrong. If you think Democrats winning is a good thing look at California which is pretty much becoming Venezuela. Go back to sleep, people like you are just getting in the way of freedom and liberty.
+Paco Rebenga You should go back to sleep and see that your comment doesn't make any sense
+Paco Rebenga Republicans are extremely anti science and against progress and civil rights. Is this a joke?
+Paco Rebenga No, those are just straight up facts. They're the only one party that's against civil rights and is anti progress of any kind. And it's the republican party. Literally all they do is obstruct progress.
+Seth Mixon funny… It's actually the Democrats that carry the history of slavery Jim Crow laws kkk and fought against civil rights. But you blame Republicans. I'll pass from arguing with you buddy. Enjoy.
+Paco Rebenga You do realize that the political parties were switched back then, right? Abraham Lincolin was a republican but if he were president today he'd be considered a democrat due to his policies.
Is "away of thinking" a typo, or an attempt to describe Trump's thought process? 🙂
+duncan yourmate Melania probably likes the First Lady part – she apparently threw herself into the state dinner with gusto. Perhaps she'd prefer to be First Lady to a different President, based upon the funeral pictures.
+Martin Kühne The picture illustrates how clothes make the man. Imagine someone saying all the things Trump says…but saying it while dressed in a t-shirt rather than in a suit. Entirely different perspective.
+Alain I have no problem with the general idea of a President changing policies set by other Presidents, provided that the change is clearly communicated to the other parties and that the change is done legally. (For example, if we had an alliance with the Bahamas, but the Bahamas subsequently pointed nukes at us, and the treaty allowed either party to exit the treaty under certain conditions.)
As for whether it was a wise idea to get out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, the climate change accord, or the Iran deal…that's a different question.
+Lorenzo Teague I suspect Trump lives in the moment. The past and future do not matter, so consistency is a non-issue.
+Paco Rebenga This is illustrated in a meme that claims that Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act. In truth it was a bipartisan effort, primarily because of opposition from some then-Southern Democrats. I will admit, however, that many of these Southern Democrats ended up joining the Republican Party (most notably Strom Thurmond).
+John E. Bredehoft like Robert Byrd or David Duke? And even if democrats did switch sides, who's to say that they didn't switch their beliefs too ? Beside, There's not one civil rights act that was ever reversed by the Republican party is there? And playing the race card is just another democrats use to keep their voting base in line.
Reaganomics (/reɪɡəˈnɒmɪks/; a portmanteauof [Ronald] Reagan and economics attributed to Paul Harvey)[1] refers to the economicpolicies promoted by U.S. President Ronald Reagan during the 1980s. These policies are commonly associated with supply-side economics, referred to as trickle-down economics or voodoo economics by political opponents, and free-market economics by political advocates.
The four pillars of Reagan's economic policy were to reduce the growth of government spending, reduce the federal income tax and capital gains tax, reduce government regulation, and tighten the money supply in order to reduce inflation.[2] During Reagan's presidency, the national debt almost tripled and the U.S. went from being the world's largest creditor nation to the world's largest debtor in under eight years.[3][4]
+John E. Bredehoft Tell me something else that I already know.
+David Lee , what did the liberals lose?
+Paco Rebenga , recording the news Paco is not destroying Trump, it's his actions, you know, the failed policies, the whores, the corrupt sewer he put on his leprosy administration team!
+Jimmy the Saint , the secure server, more secure then the DOJ system? It wasn't illegal asshole! Prove to me it was illegal? I will wait for links!
+Paco Rebenga , Democrats fought against civil rights? With a Democratic president? So stupid!
+John E. Bredehoft Maybe….. But his fondness for his version of the past keeps being put out there… By him! lol Even in this, he makes things convaluted. Any core consistency on his part that he sticks to by actions would gain him support from the middle. (Most of us who don't live in the left or right in politics)
very soon Stump will ramble behind Federal Pen Bars.
Sorry, folk — posted something about Donald Trump and then didn't hang out on G+ all day. I've tried to clean up some of the more egregious comments.
Behave, children. Let's keep the ad hominem to a dull roar.
+Seth Mixon Also, private e-mails are not illegal. If they were, I would be in prison right now.
+John E. Bredehoft At least you apply logic and political history to support your claim. For that, I respect.
+Awoken Black Star It's not quite that simple, as there are federal record retention regulations that require use of government email accounts (thus servers) when doing official business.
That said, use of private servers and non-.GOV email was controversial in the W. Bush admin, and there have been controversies and scandals about it since. Only in Clinton's case have there been major investigations and calls from her political opponents for criminal indictments.
+Awoken Black Star Yeah, +John E. Bredehoft and I disagree a fair amount, but never in a fashion where i can just dismiss him as a thoughtless ideologue. He keeps me intellectually honest. 🙂
Rump was elected to be commander and chief, Not commander and stupid. He has no cause or right to threaten other countries. If those agreements were made by prior administrations and they are still in effect and said agreements are being adhered to it is not his arbitrary position or authority to just Trash it on a whim.
+Dave Hill Oh and you think Trump hasn't been hiding anything? Where are his tax reports? Huh?
+Beau Muzzy I don't see that happening.
+Paco Rebenga Dude, if you're playing that card, it's clear you aren't intelligent enough to make a legitimate argument.
+Awoken Black Star That's because you lack comprehension skills.
+Awoken Black Star Did I indicate that I didn't think Trump isn't hiding anything? His whole life is a crudely erected facade.
+Dave Hill Sorry. I mistook what your comment meant. My mistake.