Yes, I know, pointing out that Donald Trump is lying is sort of like noting that the sun has risen. But it's still worth calling out that the blatancy and self-aggrandizement of Donald's whoppers remain gobsmacking in magnitude and circumstance, and are neither normal nor should they be accepted as such.
AP fact check: Trump makes false claim to troops about pay
In his first visit to U.S. troops in a conflict zone, President Donald Trump drew cheers when he told troops he won them their first raise in 10 years and suggested it was a whopping one. Neither is true. Here’s a look at the president’s claim.
Yet they still love the Emperor and his lovely new set of clothes and that is all that matters.
Best commentary I've heard on Donald's junket to Iraq (from Jim Wright):
+Dave Hill and he is correct about all of those things.
A well-crafted toy model of 43's infamous "mission accomplished". 45 picks what to monkey with gut.