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Nuclear powered military bases? What could go wrong?

The US Army sometimes finds itself with bases that don’t have easy or reliable access to an electrical infrastructure. The alternative is diesel generators and the like, but those require an expensive and vulnerable logistical pathway for bringing in additional fuel.

So some Pentagon boffin has come up with the idea of building portable nuclear power plants to generate electricity. Such plants could be trucked or even flown in, and provide a steady, no-fuel-needed power supply to bases in the middle of the Iraqi desert, in Afghanistan, etc.

Sounds like a great, even futuristic idea, right? Until you start to think about what a beautiful target such plants would make — either to steal enriched uranium from, or simply to blow up and contaminate the entire area. And given that these things would be being sent into, by definition, war zones … well, it suddenly stops sounding like such a great idea.

Which concerns don’t seem to be slowing down the US Army from going out and seeking quotes


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2 thoughts on “Nuclear powered military bases? What could go wrong?”

  1. well, if they haven’t attacked regular nuclear power plants in the US and Europe, why would they want to attack a heavily armed portable plant with people that are trained to shot?

    1. @Michael – Because they’re actually in reach, in their country? Because US military bases in war zones are subject to attack already, and this just makes them much more attractive targets?

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