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Movie Trailers Before “Birds of Prey”

Given the odd intersections that BoP had, one would rightfully expect that the targeted ads would also be an odd combo.

Not many that I plan to go see, but here we go:

  • Promising Young Women – A woman who pretends to be blotto at bars to see what “nice guy” tries to pick her up and take her home and have clearly non-consensual sex with her — until she suddenly shows she’s not at all drunk and what the hell are you doing? Interesting, but not my cuppa.
  • No Time to Die – The same Bond trailer we’ve been seeing for a while, but it looks good on the big screen and still is enticing me to go see Daniel Craig’s final outing in the role.
  • Antlers – This Guillermo Del Toro horror film looks beautifully done and so much a movie that I do not want to go see, thankyouverymuch.
  • The Love Birds – A couple deeply in love get caught up in a murder and run in a panic, and now they have to comedically prove their innocence while having their love tested by their plight. Looked amusing — perhaps a trans-Atlantic flight film for me.
  • Spiral – Chris Rock makes … a Saw movie? Um, interesting. Also, very much not my kind of film.
  • F9 – One of these days I’ll actually watch a Fast & Furious film, because they look like good, mindless fun.
  • The Way Back – I don’t see anything about this Troubled Man Coaches Equally Troubled Kids And They All Heal Each Other Through Teamwork And Striving For Sportsball Victory film that sets it apart from any other film of its sort — and it’s not a genre I care for.
  • In the Heights – Lin-Manuel Miranda does a musical on the streets of New York. Okay. Again, probably not for me, but I know folk who will be excited about this.

So, net net, action and feminist and violent and colorful and inspiring and scary films all thought that Birds of Prey would have an audience they wanted to reach. Interesting.

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