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It’s all about me (some more)

I did this last time in … hmm, almost three years ago. Top 5 things wrong in my field of vision right now: Desk sure is a mess. Hmmm ……

I did this last time in … hmm, almost three years ago.

Top 5 things wrong in my field of vision right now:

  1. Desk sure is a mess.
  2. Hmmm … that review is late.
  3. I could probably take that old budget report off my bulletin board.
  4. Damn … behind in getting Christmas cards (like that one there) out.
  5. Wall clock in the conference room needs new batteries.

Name four things you wished you had:

  1. More time.
  2. More money. A lot more.
  3. More sleep.
  4. More snuggles with my honey.

Name four smells you love:

  1. Apples and cinnamon.
  2. Garlic and onions (sauteeing).
  3. Fresh-baking/ed bread.
  4. Sizzling slabs o’ beef. Or bacon. Or maybe bacon wrapped around beef …

Name four things you are thinking about:

  1. Status report due at Noon.
  2. Behind on that and that and that … and, oh, yeah, that.
  3. Hmmm. Busy night tonight. Hope to get some CoX in.
  4. TGTIF — though way too much to do then, too.

Name four things you did today:

  1. Drove to work.
  2. E-mail.
  3. Phone calls.
  4. Blogged.

Top 5 songs of the right now:

  1. “My Heart, iidasenai, Your Heart, tashikametai (tv length)” from Aa! Megami-sama
  2. “Inflight Fight” from The Living Daylights
  3. “The Yew Tree” from Anthem for the Common Man (Battlefield Band)
  4. “Early on One Christmas Morn” from Christmas (Bruce Cockburn)
  5. “Richard Cory” from Sounds of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel)

(Determined by sorting iTunes by ratings and looking for some of the most recent plays)

Last thing you:

  • Did: Went and got a print-out of a salary action form from the printer.
  • Read: Not counting web content, the current issue of Birds of Prey, this morning while getting dressed.
  • Watched on TV: The Daily Show, a couple of nights ago.

Who do you want to:

  • Kill: Nobody, personally. Any number of terrorists and tyrants, impersonally.
  • Hear from: I stay in touch with most of the people I want to stay in touch with. Haven’t talked with Margie today, though.
  • Look like: Me, minus about another 15 lbs.
  • Be like: The guy who follows all the advice I give others.

Last time:

  • Last song you heard: “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” on the album Season’s Greetings.
  • Last movie you saw: Destroy All Planets (on DVD).
  • Last movie you saw on the big screen: Um … no idea.
  • Last thing you had to drink: Coffee. “Vanilla Nut” blend. Black.
  • Last thing you ate: Kudo breakfast bar (peanut butter).
  • Last time you cried: Can’t recall.
  • Last time you smiled: Passing wave at someone at the front desk earlier this morning.
  • Last time you laughed: Probably last night with Margie, but don’t recall specifically.
  • Last time you danced: Don’t recall.
  • Last person you hugged: Margie, last night.
  • Last thing you said: “Hey.”
  • Last person you talked to online: IM from Margie just a few minutes ago.
  • Last thing you smelled: Pizza last night.
  • Last car ride: Driving to work. (C470)
  • Last CD played: The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Last item bought: Ordered a couple of Christmas gifts online

Albums playing on the regular right now:

Various things flagged as “Holiday.”

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