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Holy Guacamole, there are a lot of good-looking TV shows coming up this Fall

Too many to watch, in fact, since our TV time is limited (and it's not like there aren't other shows coming back that we like to watch). So some of these may only get an ep or two watched before stop DVRing them. But until then, here are some from the list I'm looking forward to:

Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris — Because NPH.

Blindspot — Could be gimmicky and boring (and overly forced-cryptic). But Jaime Alexander is worth giving it a watch.

Minority Report — I never saw the movie, but this certainly sounds interesting.

Heroes Reborn — I lost interest in Heroes pretty quickly. Given the buzz (and the 10-ep order), I'll give the return / sequel / reboot / whatever this is a go.

Into the Badlands — This one may be too violent for our household audience, but it certainly has style and a lot of fun tropes on display, and it looks gorgeous.

Limitless — The theme here is not new, but it looks like it might be well done. Or not.

Supergirl — But of course.

The Man in the High Castle — I need to check out the pilot. I've never read the source material, but it's a classic, and I'm an alternate history buff.

Jessica Jones — Oh, yes.

The Muppets — Willing to give it a try, certainly.

Anything new this Fall that you're looking forward to?

Our 16 Most Anticipated New Fall 2015 TV Shows
The new fall television season is almost upon us, so here’s a list of our 16 Most Anticipated New Fall 2015 TV Shows, ranging form The Muppets to Limitless.

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7 thoughts on “Holy Guacamole, there are a lot of good-looking TV shows coming up this Fall”

  1. Looking forward to the second season of The Librarians, and an FX series called The Bastard Executioner. I've read a bit about Minority Report (and I saw the movie, which did not completely wow me) and, while we may give it a watch, I don't hold out great hopes.

  2. The Man in the High Castle – was on the maybe list until I heard Rufus Sewell was in it, which put it on the must watch list. Being on Amazon it will take some remembering to watch since it won't show up on the DVR.

    The Muppet show – yes, sounds like an interesting premise.

    The rest of the shows on the list not so much.

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