Having spent the week thumbing his nose at the Legislative branch, Trump is pivoting to attack the Judicial branch. https://t.co/EHItrBkCpE
— ***Dave Hill (@Three_Star_Dave) May 9, 2019
Having spent the week thumbing his nose at the Legislative branch, Trump is pivoting to attack the Judicial branch. https://t.co/EHItrBkCpE
Donald Trump seems convinced that the US Government should be run like a business — in terms of a personally owned business where he can give orders and they get obeyed. Unfortunately, this whole thing about “laws” and “the Constitution” (if, clearly, not “tradition” and “shame”) keep getting in the way.
So, having spent the past week or two telling his co-equal branch of government — Congress — that they’re not the boss of him now, he’s now working to keep the federal courts from restricting him from doing whatever the hell he decides he wants to do.