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Word, Homey

The latest greatest college-level slang (from UCLA, at least). Of course, the fact that it’s now in print means it’s obsolete.

“bellig” — belligerent and drunk
“bromance” — extremely close platonic friendship between men
“brothers from another mother” — male friends as close as siblings
“destroy” — to do well at something
“epic fail” — big mistake
“FOMO” — fear of missing out
“get all up in your biznatch” — meddle in your business
“mija” — female friend
“Obama” — cool
“off the hezzie” — cool
“papi chulo” — male friend
“presh” — precious
“schwa” — wow
“sisters from another mister” — female friends as close as siblings.

Of which I recognize “schwa” (from, of all things, Batman Beyond), “epic fail” (duh), and “mija” (I know some Spanish), and would probably figure out “bellig” (assuming a soft g), “destroy” and “presh” in context.

The brother/sister ones sound too artificial to last for long. Ditto the “biznatch” one. And “Obama” will be cool for another … oh, wait, he’s been President for six months, no longer cool. “Off the hezzie” is given at Urban Dictionary as “off the heezy,” and is also unlikely IMO to last long.

Ah, kids these days.

(via Mary) 


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One thought on “Word, Homey”

  1. What funny to me is that some of these are ‘new’. My brother in law has used Brother from another Mother and it’s reverse for… geez. Every since I’ve known him. Close to 20 years. Ditto “biznatch”.

    Bromance I think I picked up from Scrubs, despite rarely seeing it. Maybe it was Psyche.

    Papi chulo and mija are just borrow words, but cool for that reason, in my mind; supportable change. One approves.

    FOMO? Man, I’m going to USE that one – damn, that describes Kaylee’s bedtime every night to a T.

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