As I’ve been spending all week pining and mooning and the like over my absent love, Kate and Doyce were kind enough to invite me over for the evening.
We have a yummy dinner of pulled pork sandwiches and an interesting fruit slaw (a cole slaw that had some fruit mixed into it; neither fruit salad nor slaw are my favorites, but this wasn’t bad).
We watched a Doctor Who special (“Planet of the Dead”) via their Wii/Netflix combo.

And we played Starfarers of Catan, a Catan variant that none of us had played before (it was still factory-sealed in the game closet). Good fun — basic Catan mechanic, but with lots of fiddly bits to play with, a delightful space opera feel, a fun set of encounter cards where you can roleplay (a bit), and a variety of ways to enhance your colony’s abilities without necessarily having to screw each other over. I rate it at least as fun as any Catan I’ve played. (Photo and Kate commentary.)
And, of course, we had good time chit-chatting and all.
Not as productive of plowing through DVD backlog as an evening solo, but more enjoyable. Thanks, folks!